night market in 中和區, New Taipei City
About 26 results.
Sanhe Night Market
Zhongyang North Road, 241 Sanchong District, Taiwan「三和夜市」原名中央夜市,白天是三重中央公有零售市場,入夜後變身為三重最熱鬧的地方,從髮飾、配件到鞋襪、小吃攤商雲集,其間更藏有許多動輒超過30年以上的老字號小 ...
Raohe Night Market
Raohe Street, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan必吃美食:蚵仔麵線、藥燉排骨、胡椒餅、東山鴨頭、臭豆腐來到八德路4段與塔悠街交叉口,看到入口處金碧輝煌的牌樓,閃閃發亮的市集,在夜間特別顯眼,再看到象徵夜市吉祥物的貓頭鷹圖騰,就知道夜市已經近在眼前。饒河街觀光夜市是臺北市最早的觀光夜市,規模並不大,攤位非常集中,只要是常來的熟客,很快就可以找到自己想吃的攤位,非常方便。饒河街觀光夜市有許多非吃不可的美食。有名的東發號招牌的蚵仔麵線,滷大腸爽口...
Jingmei Night Market
景行里景美街, 116 Wenshan District, Taiwan多達數百家攤販的景美夜市,有30多年歷史,也是典型的傳統小吃,價格便宜。為了便於管理,將攤位全部集中在方形區域內。另一邊的『景美公有市場』,也是夜市的一部份,除了吃的,還有販賣服飾、CD、五金百貨等等,叫賣聲炒熱了市集的氣氛,隨意走走逛逛,就是一個悠閒的夜晚。景美夜市的美食,多到數不清,好吃又大顆的景美上海生煎包、香酥夠味的阿郎鹽酥雞、芳香四溢的鄭家碳烤、冬令進補的當歸鴨和麻油雞、簡單可口的鵪...
Yansan Night Market
Section 3, Yanping North Road, 103 Datong District, Taiwan提供延三夜市(大橋頭夜市)旅遊地圖景點介紹:台灣地圖導覽 - 台北市旅遊景點 - 大同區旅遊-延三夜市(大橋頭夜市)旅遊介紹,並有延三夜市(大橋頭夜市)飯店、延三夜市(大橋頭夜市)住宿、大同飯店與台北飯店等資訊
Hsinchuang Miaojie Night Market
Huaxi Street Night Market
Huaxi Street, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan臺北市 大稻埕向藍色公路盡頭的夢想飛去 草山芝蘭芬芳,百年步道依舊花團錦簇 告別輕舟,白頭艋舺難忘昔日渡海豪情 沉臥北投溫泉鄉,永恆少年壯志依舊 人 是臺北最美的風景 從世界最高樓(2004-2010)到國際級的中華藝術典藏,我們誠摯的邀請您來到這個充滿著對比的城市。現代與傳統相....
Lehua Night Market
Yongping Road, 234 Yonghe District, Taiwan有卅年攸久歷史的永和樂華夜市,是雙和地區首屈一指的知名夜市,地處永和區中心交通便捷的永平路,不算長的一條街匯集了上百家的小吃攤及成衣店,入夜之後燈火通明有如白晝 ...
Luzhou Miaokou Night Market
蘆洲最古早的街市,現為著名夜市,已有百年歷史,古厝林立。街上有湧蓮寺、文武大眾廟等廟宇。湧蓮寺是蘆洲過去的發展中心,也是今日的美食中心,形成了蘆洲最熱鬧的廟口商 ...
Linjiang Street Night Market
Alley 1, Lane 40, Linjiang Street, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan在臺北,您每個所到之處,多樣的文化特質都充沛鼓動著。雕龍畫棟的廟宇與現代的街道完美吻合,還有許多世界級餐廳隨時提供您最正統的各式中華料理。別忘了,美味的夜市小吃不僅僅帶給您口腹的滿足,更是引領您體驗臺灣生活的理想去處。
Banqiao Nanya Night Market
新興里南雅東路, 220 Banqiao District, Taiwan「湳雅觀光夜市」位於「南雅東路」上,是板橋人的美食天堂,除了眾多美味小吃之外,也有許多服飾攤商和遊戲攤位。從夜市頭到夜市尾,有許多必吃的知名美食老店,從小籠包、 ...
Wuzhou Street 46, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan想喝青蛙湯嗎?來梧州街夜市準沒錯!搭乘捷運到龍山寺站,再步行10分鐘就到了。在和平西路3段附近,這裡的夜市,以傳統小吃為主,約70公尺的短短距離,卻有非常多家臺灣美味小吃,「家鄉味香茹豬腳」還得到臺北傳統美食嘉年華競賽獎。梧州街夜市和華西街、廣州街連結成萬華區最有名的夜市群。 這裡的美味小吃,種類繁多,豐富好吃,新鮮清甜的土魠魚羹、加了中藥材香噴噴的羊肉爐、現炒的活鱔、清香不油的酸菜鴨肉湯...
Yi Su Hotel
Section 1, Chongqing North Road 116號, 103 Datong District, TaiwanYi Su Hotel Taipei offers accommodations in Taipei.Ningxia Night Market is 400 m from Yi Su Hotel, and Taipei Bus Station is 600 m from the property.
Taipei Eats: Food Tours
Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road 369, 110 Xinyi District, TaiwanJoin us to experience and taste amazing Taiwanese dishes from Taipei's top rated food tour and night market tour company!
Aloft Taipei Zhongshan
Zhongshan District, 104 Taipei, TaiwanAloft Taipei Zhongshan is a chic hotel under the Marriott International group; with close proximity to two MRT stations allowing quick access to various attractions and the Qingguang shopping district and night market next door, exploring all that is the allure of Taipei has never been easier.
Taipei Main Station Tourist Service Center
Beiping West Road 3, 100 Zhongzheng District, TaiwanWherever you go, the cultural kaleidoscope of Taipei showcases exhilarating diversity. Incense-veiled temples with exquisite carvings and paintings dating back to dynastic times blend seamlessly in streets of the modern city. Taipei has dozens of world-class restaurants where gourmets can sample th…
MRT Ximen Station Tourist Service Center
Baoqing Road 32之1號, 100 Zhongzheng District, TaiwanWherever you go, the cultural kaleidoscope of Taipei showcases exhilarating diversity. Incense-veiled temples with exquisite carvings and paintings dating back to dynastic times blend seamlessly in streets of the modern city. Taipei has dozens of world-class restaurants where gourmets can sample th…