lodge in 五股區, 新北市
About 240 results.
中國美生會堂 Grand Lodge of China
GLOC Freemason Taiwan
Section 2, Xianmin Boulevard 6號, 220 Banqiao District, TaiwanPerfectly situated next to Banqiao transportation hub, Hilton Taipei Sinban provides convenient access to subway, train and Airport Express services.
Section 3, Chongxin Road 180號, 241 Sanchong District, Taiwan距離台北車站只需約10分鐘的是便宜住宿、西門町也只要撘一班公車即可抵達,過個橋住宿價格便宜一半以上,相當適合外地來台北洽公旅遊住宿的您,。
Wonstar Hotel
Section 1, Zhonghua Road 82號, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan萬事達行旅,坐落於台北市潮流文化與老文化交錯的西門町商圈,在中華路周邊有著許多獨特的名產,如鴨肉扁,巷弄內的阿宗麵線、老天祿滷味等,將老台北人與新台北人的文化及味覺搭起了傳承的橋梁
New Riverview Suites
Chengdu Road, 10843 Wanhua District, Taiwan歡迎來到我們的網站 豪景大酒店新館 , 飯店 在 . 線上訂房的 飯店在 台北 提供網路優惠的價格
Diary of Taipei Hotel
Section 1, Zhonghua Road 152, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan台北日記位於台北市中心,距離繁華的西門町商圈只有幾步之遙。而著名景點紅樓距離飯店只有200米,步行即可到達,交通非常便利,網路評為最佳西門便宜住宿推薦。
Holiday Inn East Taipei
Official site of Holiday Inn East Taipei. Read guest reviews and book your stay with our Best Price Guarantee. Kids stay and eat free at Holiday Inn.
Three Little Birds Hostel
Lane 62, Taishun Street 10-1, 106 Da’an District, TaiwanA warm, clean hostel (guest house) in Taipei city, Taiwan. Located in the heart of Taipei with peaceful surroundings and only 3 minutes away from metro station and Shida nightmarket.
Section 1, Chongqing South Road 100號, 100 Zhongzheng District, TaiwanOxygen Hotel Taipei Main Station is located in the heart of Taipei, close to the city's most popular tourist attractions.
Taipei City Home
Alley 5, Lane 172, Chang'an West Road 7, 103 Datong District, TaiwanTaipei City Home - Best Taipei Hostel
Hotel Cham Cham Taipei
Section 1, Zhongshan Road 139, 220 Banqiao District, Taiwan台北板橋趣淘漫旅-Hotel ChamCham Taipei位在大台北新板特區,來到板橋台北趣淘漫旅,可以自由選擇想要的住宿玩樂方式,從CHECK-IN、房型、音樂、書籍或交通工具都可自由選、自在配,四通八達的地理位置,更可在大台北或是整個台灣自由自在移動,充份享受旅遊的樂趣並蓄積無限的能量。自由自在玩生活!
Hotel Solar
Zhongzheng East Road 35號, 251 Tamsui District, Taiwan萬熹大飯店近淡水捷運站旁,熱鬧中取靜,套房雅緻,交通便利,以溫馨服務每位旅客,提供您乾淨、舒適的住宿環境,不論是商務洽公或觀光旅遊,都是您最佳的旅宿選擇,專業用心的理念,為出門在外的您打造一個最優質的享受,是您休息、住宿的最佳地點。
One Plus One Hotel
Kunming Street 34號, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan[一加一旅館]交通便捷位於台北城中,近捷運板南線西門捷運站6號出口。價格實惠、平易近人,更提供熱水、免費無線網路等服務,滿足在外旅人、商務人事、自由行背包客的需求。鄰近西門町電影街、紅樓廣場、龍山寺、剝皮寮、撫臺街羊樓,諸多知名景點
Xue Li Huayuan Motel
Section 2, Zhonghua Road 194, 236 Tucheng District, Taiwan雪黎花園汽車旅館 : 新北市土城區 中華路二段194號、02-2267-7899、平價商務汽車旅館
Mei Kuan Yuan Hotel
Lane 90, Xining South Road 13號, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan西門町美觀園旅店,由台北捷運西門町站1號出口,步行只要3分鐘即可至,就在西門町紅樓,河岸留言旁,鄰近中正紀念堂、總統府、龍山寺、華西街觀光夜市、誠品書店及遠東百貨等,合法旅館,台北西門町住宿推薦
U Hotel
Xining South Road 67, 108 Wanhua District, TaiwanRead real reviews, guaranteed best price. Special rates on U Hotel Taipei in Taipei, Taiwan. Travel smarter with Agoda.com.
York Design Hotel
Nanyang Street 13, 100 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan約克旅店,台北車站住宿,台北住宿,台北旅館推薦,台北車站旅店,台北車站住宿推薦,以時尚、旅行、生活、樂趣四大元素所構成的約克旅店,坐落於台北市最便利的台北車站商圈,五鐵共構匯集高鐵、台鐵、捷運、機場捷運、公路總站,讓您的台北之行快捷、便利、隨心所欲。york hotel is located in taipei,3-minute walk from taipei main station and 5-minute walk from ximen shopping area.it is a great choice for travellers.
9ine Hotel
Section 2, Yanping North Road 255號, 103 Datong District, Taiwan力麗久居棧旅店-臺北館為大臺北都會地區新設的時尚商旅,步行至大橋頭捷運站僅需2分鐘即抵,鄰近大稻埕、延三夜市、迪化街商圈、寧夏夜市…等地。交通、飲食皆極其便利快捷,適合商務人士和旅遊玩家住宿。「力麗久居棧旅店-臺北館」附近古跡林立,廟宇香火鼎盛,也造就了許多富有歷史人文的建築古跡,像是臺北孔廟、臺北當代藝術館、保安宮等旅遊景點;除此以外也是南北貨、布匹、化工原料、工藝飾品的集散地,活躍傳盛至今的百年老店,比比皆是。還有另一項特色就是豐沛人文孕育而生的各式小吃。
Linsen North Road 600, 10491 Zhongshan District, TaiwanImperial Hotel Taipei is conveniently located right in the heart of a business district in Taipei.
陽明山、服務項目 : 校外教學、戶外烤肉區、住宿、民宿包棟、DIY、咖啡、賞楓、婚紗、溪流戲水、生態導覽、桶仔雞。泡山泉水,包棟,咖啡廳。
Grand Hyatt Taipei
Songshou Road 2, 110 Xinyi District, TaiwanGrand Hyatt Taipei, located right next to Taipei 101, offers luxurious accommodation and endless things to do in Taipei. Book Now!
Alley 71, Lane 101, Jingshan Road 16, 111 Shilin District, Taiwan位於陽明山國家公園內,被紗帽山、七星山、大屯山環繞著的菁山遊憩區,擁有源自七星山的能量之泉,可觀天上星的世外桃源,是陽明山國家公園內合法的溫泉遊憩區,同時擁有美食餐廳、溫泉小木屋、觀星露營區、景觀湯屋等等設施,並以自然生態及在地元素營造美景、美食、美湯、美夢之休憩園區。
Chengdu Road 101, 108 Wanhua District, TaiwanECFA 101 Ximen is located in Ximending, Taipei, 300 metres from The Red House. Popular recommended!