cnc in 八里區, 新北市
About 70 results.
Shining Jins Enterprise Co., Ltd. (Taiwan)
No.107, Lane 530, Sec. 1, Guoji Road, Taoyuan Dist.,, 330 Taoyuan City,, TaiwanSHINING JINS ENTERPRISE specializing in manufacturing & designing cold forge Top Plate (Washer) and Pole piece (T-Yoke) for Loud-Speaker and alarms raw driver in Taiwan. We offer a complete range of Top Plate (Washer) and Pole piece (T-Yoke) uses in Home speaker, P.A. Speaker, Car speaker, Hi-F…
Cold forged screws and shafts made in Taiwan
No.107, Lane 530, Sec. 1, Guoji Road, Taoyuan Dist.,, 330 Taoyuan City,, TaiwanShining Jins Enterprise Co., Ltd. a leader & innovator in the cold-forging industry, is an ISO certified manufacturer and supplier of standard and special products manufactured using various methods including but not limited to cold forging, cold heading, automatic screw machine, CNC machine an…
Lane 129, Section 2, Guangfu Road 8-2, 241 Sanchong District, Taiwan水刀專業代工切割 : 不限件數,不限材質,各種材料我們都可以切割 《 鋁合金、超合金、硬化鋼、鋁、青(紅)銅、鈦、 玻璃、石英、精密陶瓷、大理石、木材、塑膠、電話 : 02-2298-0032,住址 : 新北市五股區五工六路66號之2,1樓
新莊區新樹路310巷5號, 242 新北市, TaiwanOur company supply Molding, Molding Manufacturing service, Molding Stamping and Steel Plate Stamping with professional CNC technique and Grinding Machine.
千富企業有限公司 Chienfu-Tec CNC
Lane 195, Fuying Road 8, 242 Xinzhuang District, TaiwanOne stop total solution of CNC precision machining . With ISO and QC certificates, sourcing CNC precision machining is easy and time-saving at Chienfu.
泛台實業 - CNC Machining Manufacturer, Plastic Injection Molding Companies, Die Casting Manufacturer
With the combination of our in-house production and a wide range of supply chain network, Pan Taiwan provides you a cost efficient turn-key solution for all your needs.
力大機械商行 | 中古機械買賣
Qionglin Road 182-8, 242 Xinzhuang District, Taiwan力大機械商行(ZDMachine)是位於台北的專業中古機械商、中古CNC買賣used machine tools taiwan、CNC二手機械、CNC中古機械、中古CNC車床、中古機械買賣、中古車床、中古銑床、中古CNC銑床、中古cnc龍門銑床、中古氣壓沖床、中古旋臂鑽床、中古CNC機械、中古CNC加工中心機等中古機械買賣..電話 : 02-8201-0910、住址 : 新北市新莊區瓊林路182-8號
福營路165巷 35, 242 新莊區, Taiwan需要CNC車床加工就要找廣順精密有限公司,本公司擁有專業CNC車床、CNC銑床代工技術,運用全自動控制化機器進行車床加工,還提供多軸加工之銑床,滿足客戶對於CNC技術之車床、銑床等不同需求。
Lane 430, Fudeyi Road 13號, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan可比企業有限公司位於台北汐止,專營精密加工、CNC車床加工、CNC銑床加工為主,CNC加工各式金屬五金零件包含汽機車零件、醫療零件、自行車零件、衛浴五金、工業機械設備零件等,專業精密,口碑優良歡迎合作
Section 1, Guangfu Road 95, 241 Sanchong District, TaiwanCNC加工、CNC鏡面拋光、雷射切割及雕刻、壓克力拋光、壓克力製品加工、銘板印刷、數位印刷、網版印刷、特殊功能板、波長濾光板、光學壓克力及PC、硬化壓克力及PC、壓克力厚板、AR板、AG板、抗靜電板、防火板、工程塑膠加工
Section 4, Sanhe Road 111-32, 241 Sanchong District, Taiwan亞克迪生股份有限公司專業於工業設計產品, 工業設計用模型, CNC車床加工廠.
Section 2, Zhōngshān Rd 826, 243 Taishan District, Taiwan專業金屬加工廠商,舉凡精密連續沖壓模、單工程模、CNC車、銑床加工、NCT、雷射加工,均為我司服務範圍,亦可提供後製程,如:髮線、噴砂、電鍍、烤漆、網印等服務,讓您僅須面對單一窗口,即可完成所有製程。 服務內容: 精密沖壓,端子、彈片,遮蔽蓋、鐵殼,光纖、五金,散熱片,醫療用品,CNC車、銑加工
Shoushan Road 63, 242 Xinzhuang District, Taiwan專業研發製造各式鋼板分條機、CNC鋼板整平裁剪機、CNC鋼板整平飛剪機、鋼板剪床收料系統、製管製造機及技術諮詢,操作人員培訓,機械維修並接受特殊規格的訂製,而且己有廿年的實務經驗,加上可程式控制,進行機電整合,根據板片之性質自動切換產線高低速模式,得以提高機械效率及降低保養頻率。
Bangka Boulevard 72, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan協和為專業精密加工廠,提供各式cnc車床,銑床,鑽床等精密零件,金屬零件加工,並與國內電機大廠配合變壓器零件代工
Lane 431, Huacheng Road 6, 242 Xinzhuang District, Taiwan厚 群 工 業 股 份 有 限 公 司成立至今已有二十餘年豐富的CNC電腦車床精密金屬零件製造專業經驗;專業鐵銅、鋁、塑膠、鋁合金、鈦合金、不鏽鋼等各項金屬五金零件製造與超精密加工訂做本公司所引進日本及德國精密CNC複合式電腦自動車 床可製造各種材質CNC車床加工、3C面板製控旋鈕、馬達軸心、車床加工汽機腳踏車產業之前叉卡匣、避震器零件之精密零件(可車棒材外俓 Ø 1mm ~Ø200mm ).此外,本公司對於客戶所要求的產品精準度也非常重視;從進料到每個加工作業,皆有品 管人員控制產品的品質,以減少不良率發生達到零缺點之標準。About Us1. Established in 1978, H…
威納電子Winpoint Electronic Corp.
Xiwei Street 47, 241 Sanchong District, TaiwanWinpoint Electronic Corporation specialize in producing a comprehensive range of interconnecting products and metal stamping parts. Established in 1980‘s with our first factory in Taiwan with the depth research was made in manufacturing sockets and a business venture was formed. With 30 years o…
OVIS Enterprises Co., Ltd.
中正路 651-1, 242 新莊區, TaiwanOVIS is a professional OEM / ODM advanced services and product provider specializing in custom-made connector, cable design & harness since 1989. Tata, BP solar, British Petroleum Solar, diode board, heat-dispensing, heat-dispensation, solar energy. Cisco, 50 ohm, 75 ohm, broadband coaxial. Flowse…
Alley 49, Lane 76, Section 3, Zhongyang Road 3, 236 Tucheng District, TaiwanAs a CNC machining manufacturer in Taiwan, Sheng Wei has rich experiences in offering precision turning parts and CNC milling services in the CNC industry.
Lane 9, Section 2, Zhongxing Road 33, 248 Wugu District, Taiwan友聖國際位於新北市五股區,提供各式全新機械、中古機械買賣、機械維修服務,包括高速車床、CNC銑床、沖床、旋臂鑽床、油壓鋸台、光學尺、鑽銑刀研磨機、放電機、夾具…等機械零配件。