emergency management ministry in 士林區, 台北市
About 21 results.
National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
Section 3, Beixin Road 200號9樓, 231 Xindian District, TaiwanKeelung Harbor Fire Brigade, National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior
Zhongshan 2nd Road 117, 203 Zhongshan District, TaiwanNational Fire Agency. Ministry of the Interior
Section 3, Beixin Road 200號, 231 Xindian District, TaiwanNational Taipei University of Technology
Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 1, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan國立臺北科技大學Taipei Tech創立於民國元年,為臺灣技職教育之濫觴,校史輝煌悠久。本校定位為「實務研究型大學」,設機電、電資、工程、管理、設計及人文與社會科學六學院。素有「企業家搖籃」之美名,校友遍佈產業各界,於產業界極有影響力,深厚的學術基礎、地利之便、多元課程、豐富資源與國際能見度,使本校發展成為以科技為強項的國際知名大學。
National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior
Section 1, Zhongxiao East Road 7, 100 Zhongzheng District, TaiwanFar Eastern Memorial Hospital
Section 2, Nanya South Road 21, 220 Banqiao District, Taiwan精神:誠勤樸慎 創新。宗旨:持續提升醫療品質,善盡社會醫療責任。願景:成為民眾首選的醫學中心。
Taipei Medical University
Wuxing Street 250, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan1960年6月1日,在胡水旺、徐千田兩位醫學博士,以及熱心醫學教育人士的奔走下創辦。從三間鐵皮屋開始,小自書本、玻璃管,大至土地、房舍,皆是由私人捐資而來。走過篳路藍縷的半世紀,北醫胼手胝足地開創北醫大各項非凡成就,相信在現任董事長張文昌及校長閻雲的傳承下,將引領本校邁向國際!
Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Section 2, Shipai Road 201, 112 Beitou District, Taiwan臺北榮民總醫院,Taipei Veterans General Hospital