computer hardware manufacturer in 平鎮區, 桃園市

About 4 results.

computer hardware manufacturer
平鎮區, 桃園市

MiTAC International Corp.

Wenhua 2nd Road 200, 333 Guishan District, Taiwan

A leader in the global ICT industry, MiTAC International Corp. was founded in 1982. The company began operations in the Hsinchu Science Park (HCSP), Taiwan, and was the HCSP’s first system manufacturer. By 1990, MiTAC was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Shifting global industrial trends, the p…

ASUS Royal Club Hall in Chungli

Zhongzheng Road 389, 32042 Zhongli District, Taiwan

華碩為美國《財富》雜誌評比「世界最受推崇企業之一」,致力開創智慧機器人Zenbo、智慧型手機 ZenFone、極致輕薄筆電 ZenBook 等劃時代產品,2016 年海內外獲 4,385 個獎項。



Acer Authorized Service Center

Yong'an Road 230, 330 Taoyuan District, Taiwan
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