jewelry store in Kaohsiung
About 81 results.
Linyuan North Road 35號, 832 Linyuan District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongshan Road 60之3號, 830 Fengshan District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Daliao Road 614號, 831 Daliao District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Lane 300, Kaixuan Road 6號, 830 Fengshan District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongshan Road 406號, 741 Shanhua District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Xingzhong Road 35號, 721 Madou District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Section 5, Anhe Road 187號, 709 Annan District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongzheng South Road 751號, 710 Yongkang District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongzheng Road 411號, 712 Xinhua District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Fengjia Road 49號, 900 Pingtung City, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongxing Street 114號, 840 Dashu District, Taiwan情人對戒結婚對戒彌月禮盒彌月金飾hello kitty專賣店kitty項鍊凱蒂貓專賣店銀樓黃金價格今生金飾購物網金生金飾甜蜜約定金飾彌月禮盒彌月禮物彌月金�,金玉堂鑽石金銀飾專賣-生日禮物特別的生日禮物專賣店生日禮物送什麼好送男友生日禮物送男生生日禮物情人節禮物特別的情人節禮物彌月金飾滿月
Zhongshan Road 108號, 927 Linbian Township, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Georg Jensen
Georg Jensen
Georg Jensen
Georg Jensen
Jingwu Road 188號, 830 Fengshan District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
赫利珠寶Herley Jewelry
Lane 46, Xinguang Road 7, 802 Lingya District, Taiwan重塑珠寶新舞「台」,找回記憶「心」感動。赫利珠寶客製化珠寶訂製,從裸石挑選、款式設計到作品的完成,我們傾聽客戶的心,了解客戶的預算及喜好,實現客戶心中的想法,完成獨一無二的專屬珠寶!將你的影子,刻劃成你的唯一。
Zhongzheng Road 72號, 900 Pingtung City, Taiwan法蝶珠寶(Papillon),一個具貴族傳奇色彩,來自法國的頂級珠寶品牌,設計靈感起源路易十四皇朝鼎盛的時期;當時皇宮充滿奢華與璀燦的氣息,無論是服飾珠寶或是生活起居的各種用品,在所有的細節上傾注了全付的精力,不容許一絲絲的差池與重複。而路易皇朝結束之後,這批堪稱藝術家的傑出工匠被資產雄厚的貴族收編,延續數百年的代代傳承,這些精緻的鑽石,珠寶,鑽石婚戒與品味成為當今時尚界的藝術啟蒙。
Wufu 3rd Road 33, 80146 Qianjin District, Taiwan京華鑽石是全國最大的直營連鎖鑽石專賣店、訂婚鑽戒、求婚婚戒、鑽戒、鑽石項鍊專賣店,GIA國際證書,一生一次當然要選只銷售世上最炫最亮的頂級車工鑽石,因此贏得「買好鑽石,就到京華」的美名,更提供協助浪漫的驚喜求婚 京華鑽石是全國最大的直營連鎖鑽石、婚戒、鑽戒鑽飾專賣店 ,超越GIA認證的S.I.D車工比例,京華鑽石只銷售世上最炫最亮的頂級車工鑽石,因此贏得「買好鑽石,就到京華」的美名,更多相關資訊都在京華鑽石頁面。
Sophia Jewellery
五福三路, 801 前金區, Taiwan台灣知名百貨珠寶品牌-蘇菲亞珠寶,婚戒款式豐富、眾多鑽石等級挑選、多樣化GIA、GIU鑽石證書選擇。20多家服務據點,為您專屬訂製鑽石結婚戒指。無論是結婚時的鑽戒,或日常配戴的鉑金對戒,您都能找到預算內的璀璨鑽石。
威世登時尚珠寶 台南佳里門市
Xinsheng Road 263, 722 Jiali District, Taiwan威世登時尚珠寶成立逾30年,累積無數消費者的幸福見證。全台11家直營門市與線上購物,隨時隨地都可以選購訂婚鑽戒和結婚金飾,還可以讓您的珠寶首飾保值增值。提供您線上和實體無縫接軌的購物體驗與售後服務。
維諾娜珠寶 Verona Fine Jewelry
Weimin Street 92, 700 West Central District, Taiwan維諾娜珠寶全臺唯一結合婚戒和婚紗的多品牌珠寶店。本公司專售GIA認証鑽石,並獨家代理義大利知名品牌Polello和日本第一大廠gosho鉑金戒臺,所有產品皆為量身訂製。消費滿額還可免費租婚紗.採預約制
Zhongzheng Road 75, 90074 Pingtung City, Taiwan京華鑽石是全國最大的直營連鎖鑽石專賣店、訂婚鑽戒、求婚婚戒、鑽戒、鑽石項鍊專賣店,GIA國際證書,一生一次當然要選只銷售世上最炫最亮的頂級車工鑽石,因此贏得「買好鑽石,就到京華」的美名,更提供協助浪漫的驚喜求婚 京華鑽石是全國最大的直營連鎖鑽石、婚戒、鑽戒鑽飾專賣店 ,超越GIA認證的S.I.D車工比例,京華鑽石只銷售世上最炫最亮的頂級車工鑽石,因此贏得「買好鑽石,就到京華」的美名,更多相關資訊都在京華鑽石頁面。
京華鑽石是全國最大的直營連鎖鑽石專賣店、訂婚鑽戒、求婚婚戒、鑽戒、鑽石項鍊專賣店,GIA國際證書,一生一次當然要選只銷售世上最炫最亮的頂級車工鑽石,因此贏得「買好鑽石,就到京華」的美名,更提供協助浪漫的驚喜求婚 京華鑽石是全國最大的直營連鎖鑽石、婚戒、鑽戒鑽飾專賣店 ,超越GIA認證的S.I.D車工比例,京華鑽石只銷售世上最炫最亮的頂級車工鑽石,因此贏得「買好鑽石,就到京華」的美名,更多相關資訊都在京華鑽石頁面。