kaohsiung in Sanmin District
About 120 results.
Kaohsiung American School
Cuihua Road 889號, 813 Zuoying District, TaiwanKaohsiung American School strives to be one of the finest American International Schools in Asia. KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individuals, independent learners, and global citizens.
Kaohsiung Medical University Library
Shiquan 1st Road 100, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan高雄醫學大學圖書資訊處網頁
cama café - Kaohsiung Minghua shop
Minghua 1st Road 205, 813 Zuoying District, Taiwan我們深知一杯美味咖啡的各項環節與要素。 所以選擇在店內精準演繹整個 Bean-to-Cup 流程。手工挑豆、得宜烘焙、即時研磨、專業吧台技術…從一顆生豆到一杯咖啡,最透明的製作流程,提供最真誠的賞味體驗。
RÊVE Café Kaohsiung Arena Branch
Wenzhong Road 2, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan黑浮堅持選用健康天然、不添加人工香料食材,以現點現做的方式詮釋最新鮮風味,用熱情與真誠將最純粹的優質賞味體驗呈獻給您。RÊVE A GOOD ONE 黑浮咖啡乘載了我們的夢想,用熱情與真誠將最精萃的所有呈獻給您。
Dawn Holding
11F, No.172, Longsheng Road, Gushan District, 80452 Kaohsiung, TaiwanDawn Holding is a Taiwan based leading parylene coating manufacturer and supplier. W e have more than 30 years of technical experience. Specialized in nano coating, plating chemicals and parylene coating, We provide best service to customers with a full range of eco friendly surface treatment solut…
Kaohsiung Arena
Bo'ai 2nd Road 757, 813 Zuoying District, Taiwan【運動時尚新焦點‧台灣活力新視野】「高雄巨蛋」由凱格大巨蛋運動股份有限公司經營管理,是傲視全國頂級的現代綜合體育館。高雄巨蛋秉持以『國際化管理,在地化經營』的理念,協助自我和客戶間的開發及營運,以提昇社會經濟和運動休閒生活的方式經營。並且以建置高雄巨蛋為全台『創意流行文化之首善中心,體育、藝文、會展、演講等大型活動之優質展演空間及場館效率經營之最佳典範』為目標。
Thai Town Cuisine - Kaohsiung Hanshin Arena Store
Bo'ai 2nd Road 777號4F, 813 Zuoying District, Taiwan全國最大泰國料理第一品牌!全台灣與海外地區共58家直營分店,每年超過600萬來客人次蒞臨支持,人氣月亮蝦餅、檸檬清蒸魚、青木瓜沙律…等各式泰式美味佳餚,讓您盡情嚐鮮!
Kaohsiung Pharmacists Association
Minghua Road 251, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan社團法人高雄市藥師公會簡介,活動剪影,社區藥局, 求職求才
Fubon property and casualty insurance _ North Kaohsiung Branch
Dashun 1st Road 439號, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan在台灣,富邦產險市佔率最高、服務網最密。車險多數網友推薦富邦。線上投保(手機投保)強制險優惠最高150元,任意險保費再9折。
No. 165號, Dinghua Road, Sanmin District, 807 Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.tw LA MAISON BERRY 貝瑞家 is a premier patisserie, bakery and dessert shop located in Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. With over seven years of experience in the industry, they specialize in custom-made wedding cakes and birthday cakes, as well as other delicious treats such as cupcakes, pas…
Kaohsiung Zhiguang public CLASS
Jianguo 3rd Road 125號, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan高雄志光公職補習班!提供即時國家考試(高普考,初等考試,地方特考,司法特考,一般警察特考等);國營事業招考(台電招考、中油招考、自來水招考等)及台鐵招考、銀行招考、教師甄試/檢定、中華電信招考…等,各項國家考試及就業考試、證照考試、升學考試等課程資訊。電話:(07)285-1919
50 Building Kaohsiung Furniture
Minzu 1st Road 80號2樓, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan全國最大的便宜家具建材展一覽表,在此公開!預約看展所限量好禮,2018全國最大最便宜家具展驚爆業界超低價!破盤狂跌,百萬紅包家具展爽快送!萬件家具精品及所有好康活動家具展一次展出,傢俱展給您最優質的家居設計。2018家具展全新設計款熱烈上市中.
UNDER ARMOUR Kaohsiung Yucheng Store
裕誠路, 813 左營區, TaiwanUA運動品牌臺灣官方商城,提供最新的UA運動服裝,運動衣,緊身衣(貼身運動衣),運動褲,運動鞋,籃球鞋,跑鞋,訓練鞋及運動包,帽等專業體育運動裝備,Under Armour領先科技產品設計讓運動者更強!
木川泵浦--高雄服務處 Kikawa Pump Kaohsiung
Zhongli Road 425號, 813 Zuoying District, Taiwan木川泵浦-恆壓/變頻加壓機、抽水馬達、多段式離心泵浦,50年專業製造。A leader of the water pump industry for 50 years in Taiwan continues to Keep Water Accessible.
Kaohsiung billion Furniture Wholesale Warehouse
Nantaiheng Road 32, 800 Xinxing District, Taiwan台中家具,高雄家具,新竹家具,台北家具,屏東家俱,台南家具,桃園家具,新莊家具,五股家具,萬華家具,中和家具,新北家具,北部,中部,南部,竹北,新竹,台中,高雄,環中路,青年路,中清路,大雅,家具便宜,沙發,床,書桌,電視櫃,龍椅,書桌,電視櫃,傢具,家俱,家具,傢俱,批發,工廠直營
Samsung service center in Kaohsiung
捷絲旅高雄站前館 Just Sleep Kaohsiung Station
Zhongshan 1st Road 280, 80049 Xinxing District, Taiwan飯店規劃有商務中心與服務中心的櫃臺大廳,小而美的優質客房,突破空間的迷思、營造五星級飯店的舒適,強調睡床的品質、完善的衛浴設備,以及豐美的早餐,捷絲旅精心為您準備!
捷絲旅高雄站前館 Just Sleep Kaohsiung Station