lounge in Taiwan

About 127 results.


Lobby Lounge

Songshou Road 2號1樓, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan

台北君悅酒店-Grand Hyatt Taipei Hotel 凱悅酒店集團旗下五星級豪華酒店。位於信義區的中心,與台北101金融中心和世界貿易中心咫尺相鄰。台北君悅五星級酒店可為商務旅客提供最便捷的服務,同時也讓度假旅客置身於台北最佳娛樂和購物的天堂。

隨意商務酒吧 隨意吧 101-36F

Section 5, Xinyi Road 7, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan


雲品溫泉酒店- 雲月舫 Sky Lounge

Zhongzheng Road 23號, 555 Yuchi Township, Taiwan


The More International Business Center and Premium Lounge Taiwan Taichung International Airport

The official website of THE MORE International Group - The Leading Operator of Airport Premium Lounge and Business Center since 1997.

Royal Lounge

Section 2, Zhongshan North Road 37之1號, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan

台北老爺大酒店,1984年由巴黎設計師Christia Duthilleul、日本設計師小川準一及台灣設計師姚德雄攜手打造,成為台灣第一家國際日航連鎖飯店(Nikko Hotels International) 。老爺酒店飯店內感性的法式風格兼具歐洲的高貴氣質,蘊含優雅的東方傳統,在國際上榮獲極高之評價。

義大皇家酒店Chill Lounge

Section 1, Xuecheng Road 153號, 840 Dashu District, Taiwan

Mirror Lounge

Lane 223, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road 5號, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan

訂位專線:0953-089-483(飛兒姐) line id:fly858(請告知訂mirror並給予訂位資料) 方便優先加速處理.若在睡覺睡醒會回若再忙,一忙好會馬上回不用急 來電訂位將贈送一份小點心給訂位者本人訂愈多招待愈升級upup

Lobby Lounge

樂群二路199號, 10462 Zhongshan District, Taiwan

集飯店、會展中心及商場於一身,全新國際復合式生活城,提供國內外旅客品味生活及優質旅遊新視野。全區 60%以綠地覆蓋形成獨特的城市綠洲,台北萬豪酒店帶給旅遊世界各地的商務人士最親近大自然的旅遊經驗及享受。這間擁有320間典雅舒適客房及5間別具風格餐廳的五星級酒店位於大直的中心樞紐位置,重新詮釋人文、藝術、經典、科技與創新。絕佳的地利位置,讓住客能在房間內便可欣賞遠山的樹海美景或是全新角度的台北城景,讓住客將美好生活體驗與感受帶入旅行。

85 Lounge

Yanji Street 85, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan

85Lounge貼心專線0931-706-725飛兒姐line id:fly858訂位請告知要訂85,線上line訂位招待specially 隨時均可line,請告知要訂85並給予訂位資料,方便優先加速處理.若在睡覺睡醒會回若再忙,一忙好會馬上回不用急,請保持電話暢通

The More International Business Center and Premium Lounge (Taiwan Kaohsiung International Airport)

The official website of THE MORE International Group - The Leading Operator of Airport Premium Lounge and Business Center since 1997.

The More International Business Center and Premium Lounge Taiwan Kaohsiung International Airport

Zhongshan 4th Road 2號, 81252 Xiaogang District, Taiwan

The official website of THE MORE International Group - The Leading Operator of Airport Premium Lounge and Business Center since 1997.


Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road 10號, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan

Won’t you unwind at WOOBAR, home to Taipei’s most extensive and creative cocktails in our cozy Living Room. The W Taipei in Taipei offers a wide range of world cuisine from its fine selection of bars and restaurants including WET Bar, Woobar, YEN Bar, Living Room, The Kitchen Table and Yen.

國賓大飯店 Aqua Lounge

Section 2, Zhongshan North Road 63, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan

享受台北國賓大飯店Lobby Lounge美味而健康的自助午餐、下午茶及新鮮蔬果汁。不論是摩洛哥、阿根廷、西班牙和印度的異國風味美食,或是融入健康烹調技巧的自助美食,都能滿足您挑剔的味蕾。餐廳提供WiFi免費無線上網。訂位專線:+886 2 2551 1111分機2186。

台北喜來登大飯店 大廳酒吧 Lounge

忠孝東路一段12號1樓, 100 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan

The Jade Lounge

DunHua North Road 158, 10548 Songshan District, Taiwan

Experience The Jade Lounge. Offering sophisticated traditional afternoon pastries, a fine selection of European and Chinese teas and lots of natur ...

Nep. Lounge Bar

Tianjin Street 63, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan

Nep. 為台北市南西商圈中山站周邊,唯一的時尚酒吧。因為堅持在設計階段放進水族箱的元素,意外的符合地下室的佈局,營造出與世隔絕的海底世界氣氛,讓游泳的魚可以陪伴著酒杯療癒心靈。店內除了有吧台座位、圓桌方桌,還有沙發座位提供多人數一起吃飯聊天。

Angelina Wedding Lounge

Fuxing Road 252號, 330 Taoyuan District, Taiwan

安吉俐娜 位於桃園市桃園區市中心的復興路上。是由一群頂尖資深專業人士共同創立的高端婚紗攝影會所。我們所追求的奢華並不等於浮誇,而將在每一個細節做出獨具品位的體驗,從內到外,從風格到場景,從婚紗到服務,從硬件到團隊,每一處,每一點,都用心打造,只為給您最好的極致感受,代表每一位專業人士對您的最高敬意。

Shaka Lounge Bar

Lane 23, Section 2, Anhe Road 2, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan

台北市大安區安和路二段23巷2號 電話:02-27053337 Shaka分為兩個樓層 一樓推開大門是一個漂亮的熱帶海水魚缸及圓弧吧?,地下室是酒窖和包廂,Shaka也提供精選的malt WHISKY WINE 和多國創意料理,Bartender以專業的態度及豐富的酒類知識為每一位朋友調製專屬cocktail。


台北酒吧暢飲推薦Q9 Loungebar,世足賽、生日派對、公司聚會、聯誼活動推薦的東區無限暢飲,來東區必去的東區暢飲bar,消費以無限暢飲為主,也有單點調酒、啤酒和洋酒系列。多款精緻特調無限暢飲,提供消費者多重選擇,打破大眾對暢飲店調酒的認知。在這裡,提供免費的包廂、精緻的調酒和抒發壓力的飛鏢機台,歡迎來到台北酒吧暢飲推薦Q9 Loungebar。台北酒吧暢飲推薦Q9 Loungebar,訂位專線:0930068507

Plaza Premium Lounge T1

Hangzhan South Road 15, 337 Dayuan District, Taiwan

Visit us to learn more about our Independent Airport Lounge Network, Lounge Management Services, Airport Transit Hotel Accomodation and Meet and Greet Services

Cha Lounge 茶苑 - Grand Hyatt Taipei 台北君悅酒店

松壽路2號, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan


Plaza Premium Lounge T2

Hangzhan South Road 89, 337 Dayuan District, Taiwan

Discover A Plaza Premium Lounge to enjoy airport lounge access and premium airport services in more than 110 locations in 29 international airports.

Nike 經銷商門市 - Nike Kicks Lounge 摩曼頓西寧

為激勵全世界的運動員,Nike 精心設計創新產品、精彩體驗及貼心服務。 特定訂單可享有免費退貨及免運費服務。

The Okura Prestige Taipei The Pearl Lounge & Bar

Section 1, Nanjing East Road 9, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan

台北大倉久和大飯店 The Okura Prestige Taipei, 日系名門頂級飯店,大倉久和大飯店. 台北大倉久和位於繁華市中心,現代經典空間蘊藏大倉文化傳承,展現功能與美學間的平衡,傳遞追求自然和諧的文化特色