polynesian restaurant in Yonghe District, Taipei City
About 8 results.
Mega 50 Catering and banquet - Asia 49 Asian Cuisine & Lounge
Xinzhan Road 16, 220 Banqiao District, TaiwanMega 50餐飲及宴會位於新北第一高樓百揚大樓48至50樓,毗鄰板橋大遠百,由香格里拉遠東飯店負責營運,是新板特區唯一國際五星餐飲品牌!48樓有「鼎鼎宴會廳」和「望月樓」中餐廳,由知名港廚掌杓,婚宴會議,菜色豐美;49樓是「Asia 49亞洲料理及酒廊」,亞裔名廚跨海駐點,摩登酒飲酷炫迷人;50樓為「50樓Café」buffet自助餐廳,佳餚薈萃,物超所值。高樓餐廳居高臨下的優勢,雙北美景盡收眼底!,華裔馬來西亞籍名廚跨海來台駐點,匯集東南亞特色佳餚,搭配輕鬆自在的酒飲天地,餐廳戶外的天幕花園,半圓形的開闊視野,極目遠望,稱心快意。
W Taipei
Xinyi District, 110 Taipei, TaiwanW Taipei is smack dab in the heart of the cosmopolitan CBD. Retail therapy - we're near it all.