produce market in Taiwan
About 169 results.
博琝實業有限公司 GLOBLE-TEX CO., Ltd.
No. 86-2, Ln. 161, AoFeng Road, QingShui Dist., 436 Taichung, TaiwanGloble-Tex Co., Ltd was founded in 1999 with the professional experience in manufacturing and sale of fabric materials. Globle-Texhas established well integrated supply chain dedicated servicing and in deliver creative, ondemand products. Our QC, in fact,
Nescafe Dolce Gusto 家樂福北門店
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® 雀巢多趣酷思膠囊咖啡機讓你不用出門。也能輕鬆品嘗現煮研磨咖啡!從義式濃縮咖啡、拿鐵咖啡、 美式咖啡,到巧克力飲品都能驚豔您的味蕾,推薦您最適合辦公室、或是在家使用的咖啡機。(行動版)
Carrefour Chia Yi Store
Section 2, Bo'ai Road 461, 600 West District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Carrefour Market DaLi NeiXin Store
Section 2, Zhongxing Road 309巷2號, 412 Dali District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Carrefour Market Cao Tun Store
中山街210號, 542 Caotun Township, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
家樂福便利購台中南屯店Carrefour Market Taichung Nan Tun Store
Jasons Market Place
Section 3, Sanmin Road 161號, 404 North District, TaiwanJASONS Market Place官方網站,提供最新消息、活動資訊、門市查詢等服務。JASONS Market Place目標成為頂級超市領導品牌,帶動時尚購物與更精緻的消費生活
家樂福便利購太平環中店 Carrefour Market Tai Ping Huan Zhong Store
環中東路三段 567, 411 太平區, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
家樂福便利購豐南店 Carrefour Market Fengnan Store
Fengnan Street 118, 420 Fengyuan District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Taichung Second Market
Section 2, Sanmin Road 87, 400 Central District, Taiwan位於臺中市中區三民路與台灣大道一段處,是台中美食集中地。市場內的爌肉飯、麻芛、香菇肉羹、紅茶、麵攤,都是有數十年歷史的老小吃攤,隨意撿家坐下,端上的都是一碗碗經過數十年歲月,無數老饕鑑賞過的美食。在此,你也可以見到許多台中老饕來這一解嘴饞。在逛街品嚐美食之際,別忘了抬頭看看市場內歷史悠久的屋頂、或是...
Carrefour Fengyuan
Chenggong Road 500, 420 Fengyuan District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Carrefour Hua Lien Store
Jiali Road 15, 971 Xincheng Township, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Nescafe Dolce Gusto 家樂福彰化店
NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® 雀巢多趣酷思膠囊咖啡機讓你不用出門。也能輕鬆品嘗現煮研磨咖啡!從義式濃縮咖啡、拿鐵咖啡、 美式咖啡,到巧克力飲品都能驚豔您的味蕾,推薦您最適合辦公室、或是在家使用的咖啡機。(行動版)
Carrefour Market Hsinchu Nanda Branch
Nanda Road 286, 300 East District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Raohe Night Market
Raohe Street, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan必吃美食:蚵仔麵線、藥燉排骨、胡椒餅、東山鴨頭、臭豆腐來到八德路4段與塔悠街交叉口,看到入口處金碧輝煌的牌樓,閃閃發亮的市集,在夜間特別顯眼,再看到象徵夜市吉祥物的貓頭鷹圖騰,就知道夜市已經近在眼前。饒河街觀光夜市是臺北市最早的觀光夜市,規模並不大,攤位非常集中,只要是常來的熟客,很快就可以找到自己想吃的攤位,非常方便。饒河街觀光夜市有許多非吃不可的美食。有名的東發號招牌的蚵仔麵線,滷大腸爽口...
許多人總會問:「何以山名避秦?」 中國南宋就有詩人謝枋得,說是為了「尋得桃源好避秦;而我…
Taichung Fifth Market
Daming Street 9號, 40345 West District, Taiwan台中市西區第五公有零售市場:台中市公有第五零售市場之發展遠溯及民國二十七年,時值日據時代,當時台中市市集發展略具雛形,市中心主要在火車站、台中公園及台中市政府周遭,,其他大部分地區仍為農田,農人為創造大頭菜等作物的經濟價值,遂以特大醃缸醃製大頭菜,並在樂群街與自立街公有宿舍及偌大空地旁做醃菜製作與儲存之場所。隨著地方民眾至此購置醃菜,開始有販夫走卒至此兜售相關民生必需品,使該地逐漸具攤販市集形態,因為,當地不僅能購置醃菜,同時具提供民生必須用品之市集雛形。
Taipei Fish Market
Alley 2, Lane 410, Minzu East Road 20號, 104 Zhongshan District, Taiwan臺北魚市: 台北魚市⇗有身分證的魚專賣店⇖,提供產銷履歷認證及多種優質水產品,給您幸福、安心、健康的好食材。
大同街37號, 545 Puli, TaiwanKOKOMU is the new generation of the company named “HaiShan Handcrafts”, founded in 1969 by three Shih brothers. In the early 1960’s, lumber industry exploded and there were more than 450 woodcraft factories in Puli, Taiwa. HaiShan Handcrafts being one of them, produced large quantities and varieti…
KOKOMU Music Box 敲敲木工房
大同街37號, 545 Puli, TaiwanKOKOMU is the new generation of the company named “HaiShan Handcrafts”, founded in 1969 by three Shih brothers. In the early 1960’s, lumber industry exploded and there were more than 450 woodcraft factories in Puli, Taiwa. HaiShan Handcrafts being one of them, produced large quantities and varieti…
Lane 227, Fuxing Road 29, 247 Luzhou District, TaiwanSpecializes in waste plastic recycling. Since its founding in 1988 Kang Chyau Industry has worked constantly to bring out new and innovative waste recycling machines, inflation machine, blow film making machine, blown film machine, blown film extrusion, plastic inflation machine, blown film extrude…
Dinghu 1st Street 49, 333 Guishan District, Taiwan“Taiwan develops and researches high technology, good quality parts while China plants provide mass-production, competitive goods to end-users”. PAI-I-KUO Founder TY-OHM was established in 1958, the pioneer of resistors manufacturer in Taiwan. We first made carbon film and low-end wire wound resist…