chocolate shop in 臺北市
About 56 results.
Section 2, Hangzhou South Road 89號, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan人氣部落客熱愛推薦手工餅乾下午茶與喜餅禮盒。iCookie私房手作,順從妳心,量愛訂做,只為妳打造獨一無二的喜餅禮盒。法國甜點大師Pierre Herme 說:「鹹食養人,甜食悅人。」iCookie說:餅乾不只是餅乾,巧克力也不是巧克力,我,是獨一無二的i,千變萬化終是我。
April's Chocolate
仁愛路4段300巷26弄 11, 110 Xinyi District, TaiwanApril’s花愛巧克力,手工巧克力專賣店使用比利時及法國進口頂級莊園級調溫巧克力及配方,製作各種精美巧克力。主打商品:生巧克力、松露巧克力、無糖巧克力 電話:02-23250216
Baoqing Road 32號, 100 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan巧克風尚館,,利奧尼達斯,Leonidas,新鮮比利時巧克力,高品質巧克力,傳統比利時巧克力,巧克力的熱愛,Belgian Chocolate
Songgao Road 11, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan巧克風尚館,,利奧尼達斯,Leonidas,新鮮比利時巧克力,高品質巧克力,傳統比利時巧克力,巧克力的熱愛,Belgian Chocolate
心心甜心屋-Candy House
Alley 1, Lane 123, Section 5, Nanjing East Road 22, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan土鳳梨, 金鑽鳳梨, 鳳梨酥, 牛軋糖, 糕餅, 心心, 蔓越莓, 杏仁果, Candy, candyhouse, sscandyhouse, cookie, 心心甜心屋烘焙坊之名稱乃沿用父親60~70年代位於紅樓戲院旁南洋百貨公司三樓心心西餐廳,由三女兒秉持對食品原汁原味之要求,研發出鳳梨酥、各式各樣不同口味之牛軋糖系列及糕餅系列。
糖話國際股份有限公司 Boncha Boncha International Company Limited
只要一分鐘,短短三步驟,親手打造專屬的客製化影像糖。糖話Boncha Boncha精湛的食品印刷技術,為您量身打造專屬的糖果:婚禮喜糖、生日祝賀、彌月周歲、節日慶祝、三節禮品、展會贈品、營銷展售、VIP回饋禮品都能睛豔全場,不論是具有回憶的照片、表達心意的話語、或親手設計的圖稿、企業識別的LOGO,皆能做成獨一無二的糖果,記憶度破表!讓客製化糖果,一起參與您的重要時刻,留下特別的回憶。
GODIVA Mitsui Outlet Park Linkou Store
文化三路一段 356, 244 林口區, TaiwanGODIVA, the world's finest chocolatier, was established in Brussels, Belgium. Founded by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps, the company named after the legendary Lady GODIVA has flourished for more than 86 years. GODIVA provides chocolates to the Belgian court, proving that GODIVA chocolate is th…
GODIVA Mega City Store
Xinzhan Road 28, 220 Banqiao District, TaiwanGODIVA, the world's finest chocolatier, was established in Brussels, Belgium. Founded by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps, the company named after the legendary Lady GODIVA has flourished for more than 86 years. GODIVA provides chocolates to the Belgian court, proving that GODIVA chocolate is th…
GODIVA Breeze Nanjing Store
南京東路三段 337, 105 松山區, TaiwanGODIVA, the world's finest chocolatier, was established in Brussels, Belgium. Founded by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps, the company named after the legendary Lady GODIVA has flourished for more than 86 years. GODIVA provides chocolates to the Belgian court, proving that GODIVA chocolate is th…
GODIVA Sogo Fuxing Store
Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 300號, 106 Da’an District, TaiwanGODIVA, the world's finest chocolatier, was established in Brussels, Belgium. Founded by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps, the company named after the legendary Lady GODIVA has flourished for more than 86 years. GODIVA provides chocolates to the Belgian court, proving that GODIVA chocolate is th…
GODIVA Mitsukoshi Nanxi One Store
Nanjing West Road 12, 10491 Zhongshan District, TaiwanGODIVA, the world's finest chocolatier, was established in Brussels, Belgium. Founded by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps, the company named after the legendary Lady GODIVA has flourished for more than 86 years. GODIVA provides chocolates to the Belgian court, proving that GODIVA chocolate is th…
See's Candies Chocolate Shops
Up-to-date hours, directions & phone number for our See's Candies chocolate shop at No.222, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd. in Taipei City.
GODIVA Breeze Center Store
Section 1, Fuxing South Road 39號, 105 Songshan District, TaiwanGODIVA, the world's finest chocolatier, was established in Brussels, Belgium. Founded by the master chocolatier Joseph Draps, the company named after the legendary Lady GODIVA has flourished for more than 86 years. GODIVA provides chocolates to the Belgian court, proving that GODIVA chocolate is th…
1789 Café by Cyrille Courant 二店
Alley 4, Lane 217, Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 10, 106 Da’an District, TaiwanFrench Cafe Chocolate Pastry shop in Taipei, Taiwan
Haagen Dazs
Section 2, Zhongcheng Road 55號, 111 Shilin District, Taiwan法國原裝進口的Häagen-Dazs,是世界頂級冰淇淋的代表,一向有「冰淇淋中的勞斯萊斯」之稱,堅持精心挑選最佳原料產地,如波蘭的草莓、京都的抹茶,融入法國新鮮香醇的牛奶,造就完美口感。Häagen-Dazs在台灣擁有37家直營店,在各大五星級飯店、大賣場、便利商店、火鍋餐廳甚至飛機上,都可以享受到醇濃美味的Häagen-Dazs冰淇淋。
Du Rhône Chocolatier
DunHua North Road 166號, 10466 Songshan District, Taiwan«傳奇美味秘方» Du Rhône一系列巧克力美味,依循珍藏超過一世紀的原創配方。 每一顆創作蘊含著傳奇巧克力大師們對可可的熱情,致力呈現可可豆的獨特香氣,以及與水果、花材、香草等風味調和的愉悅口感。
ichocolate 愛吃巧克力 巧克力專賣店
Alley 69, Lane 161, Section 1, Dunhua South Road 2, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan巧克力專賣店,歐美原裝進口巧克力Black As Chocolate,松露巧克力、純黑巧克力、可可粉、巧克力粉等禮盒。來自歐美原產地優質品牌的巧克力、可可及相關巧克力商品,同時提供巧克力相關資訊及豐富的知識,是健康、自然,散播快樂生活的巧克力文創平台。愛吃巧克力的人可以在這裡找到心中理想的巧克力商品,喜歡巧克力的人可以在這裡找到滿足您的巧克力,ichocolate 愛吃巧克力網路平台讓大家都是幸福巧克力達人,都是健康快樂生活達人。 facebook粉絲專頁 ichocolate 愛吃巧克力
Section 3, Zhongshan Road 122, 235 Zhonghe District, Taiwan一群懵懂的年輕人帶著茫然的心,展開一段法國之旅。在巴黎巧克力店中的甜美呼喚,使年輕人與巧克力師Valois(法朵)先生認識了!並邀請巧克力師傅Valois(法朵)先生親自來台傳授純手工巧克力的美味!
Schokolake,德文巧克力Schokolade與巧克力雲莊來自苗栗大湖Lake的結合, 一來註記雲主人當時在德國出差時立下志願要做台灣經典巧克力的夢想, 二來希望巧克力雲莊像湖泊般的,充滿著好吃的巧克力。 2002年底,大湖雲莊(巧克力雲莊前身)開始出現在地圖上。位在以溫泉、草莓聞名的大湖泰安鄉入口,擁有雪霸山群360度完全圍繞,從一片四公頃的原始林地逐步開墾。巧克力雲莊是夢想最初的起點,在雲莊裡有充滿想法的建築、令植物專家驚嘆的樹林、經典的創意精緻料理以及民宿、泡湯、巧克力DIY、生態導覽以及許多好吃的餐點。這裡是台灣第一座巧克力主題夢想館。 同時,目前我們在台中…
Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 300號, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan훗카이도 생초콜릿 전문점, 포테이토칩 초콜릿, 발렌타인데이
Dongyuan Street 38, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan低溫慢慢烘烤,減糖謐謐甜香,不甜不膩不上火,半世紀老爐火熬出不取巧的好味道。花生糖、芝麻糖爽脆刷嘴,貢糖、杏仁糖酥腴不黏。年歲焠煉出的踏實手藝,保留土地芬芳與人情眷戀。阿公有交待,做糖親像人生同款,要用良心,才會圓滿。最真誠的伴口與伴手,艋舺小饞嘴來一口,噢,真的是布田哪!
Hot Candy 棉花糖專賣店
Lane 114, Section 1, Zhonghua Road 4, 108 Wanhua District, TaiwanHot Candy烤棉花糖,烤棉花糖,烤棉花餅,棉花冰,西門町美食,聖誕禮物,婚禮小物,零食甜點,糖果餅乾
Minyue Street 139, 103 Datong District, Taiwan本店已於迪化街商圈經營有30年的歷史,專營各類零食進/出口、批發、零售主要產品來自於台灣、日本及其他國家零食,而主要類別為1、堅果2、餅乾3、蜜餞4、糖果5、蒟蒻、豆干素食類6、太空食品(蔬菜、水果干系列) 7、瓜子8、肉乾及海鮮製品由於本店銷售產品超過1000種,備繁不及,歡迎直接來電洽詢,或來店參觀選購,如需下載全店商品列表,請點此下載,謝謝(來電告知: 如何得知本店消息,(Yahoo或Goo
Ike & Yoni
Yumen Street, 104 Zhongshan District, TaiwanArtisanal Chocolates, Indulgent Liquors and Collaborative Events. Inspiring, hiring but never tiring to serve all who seek novelty and the highest quality.