farm in 南投縣
About 125 results.
Qingjing Farm
大同村仁和路170號, 546 Yuanlin, Taiwan清境農場成立於民國50年2月20日,座落於中橫公路台14甲線霧社北端8公里處,空氣清新、林木蒼鬱、繁花遍野、具北歐風光,有「霧上桃源」之稱。 (049)2802748
Section 1, Zhongzheng Road 173, 54447 Guoxing Township, Taiwan「臺灣農產品生產追溯系統」鼓勵農產品生產者及經營業者,主動揭露生產資訊並進行全面品質自主管理,來提升消費者對所購買之農產品的信賴感。結合現今最流行的QR-Code條碼,讓消費者可直接以手持裝置上的APP完成產品外包裝上的條碼掃描步驟,即時獲得農產品生產者及產品資訊,以強化農民負起產品安全自主責任。
Ming Ging Farm
榮光巷 43, 546 Ren’ai Township, Taiwan明琴清境湖景莊園有著清境農場最棒的觀賞視野,可以清晰的看見,奇萊、合歡山頭,煙波浩淼的碧湖頑皮的倒映著山影,盧山溫泉區、霧社的市集、埔里小鎮,都在廣角鏡頭下無所遁形。在露天咖啡座上品茗,欣賞這廣袤的山景,看白雲戲逐青山,山嵐逗弄著連綿的山巒,波光粼漓的碧湖,映襯著偶然划過的小船,不禁想問是誰淘氣的打翻了上帝的水彩盒,潑墨了這樣一幅完美山水畫。此番美景絕對是來清境住宿之最佳首選民宿。
Huang Cheng farm Camping
羊灣巷 808-8, 558 Lugu Township, Taiwan【皇成農場露營區】擁有全台灣最美麗的山林視野,數百坪的寬敞空間,只放18個營位,讓您享受毫不擁擠的個人空間,愛怎麼活動就怎麼活動!
National Taiwan University Highland Experimental Farm
采蜂林蜂業采蜂林養蜂場,成立於民國六十二年,是一處專業生產,蜂蜜、 蜂王乳、蜂花粉,蜂蝦、蜂膠、蜂蠟,的養蜂場。 場主林進通因興趣而進入養蜂的行業,數十年如一日,還 能時時將工作樂在其中,對蜜蜂的愛護與投入的心力,更像照 顧自己孩子一樣無微不至。 采蜂林用心創新,三十餘年的專業養蜂經驗,及服務品質的提 昇,勇於求新求變,自創品牌【人間蜂味】‧努力提高產品的 附加價值,並以”誠實、安心、親切”的經營理念,因此榮獲 經濟部 GSP 優良商店認證 ,及台中縣優良旅遊商店。而其
Nangang Road 98號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Nangang Road 71-13號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Nangang Road 9號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Nangang Road 9-1號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Nangang Road 77-1號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Section 2, Changlong Road 215號, 406 Taiping District, Taiwan台中名特產‧國姓油甘園---國姓油甘果園位南投縣國姓鄉,從油柑樹苗的種植直到油柑果實的摘收,採天環境種植,花期為4至6月而果期為7至9月,歡迎訂購。油甘古印度人稱為「生命之果」。
Section 2, Changlong Road 269號, 406 Taiping District, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Nangang Road 39號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Nangang Road 168之1號, 544 Guoxing Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
Side Road 267號, 413 Wufeng District, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
新興巷 16號, 553 Shuili Township, TaiwanThis template is an easy to use app landing page, responsive and pretty easy to customize including some great easing effects, modal window, a sticky header with share buttons & others stuff !
分享來自南投水里大山的阿拉比卡咖啡豆.... 也是台灣咖啡!純正的喔!