government school in 石碇區
About 349 results.
Taipei Municipal Shuanglian Elementary School
Jinxi Street 51, 103 Datong District,,臺北市雙蓮國民小學
Section 2, Zhinan Road 64, 116 Wenshan District, TaiwanApply now to the International Master's Program of Applied Economics and Social Development, an English taught program at the National Chengchi University.
Mingchuan Elementary School
Section 4, Roosevelt Road 21號, 10673 Da’an District, Taiwan臺北市大安區銘傳國民小學
Fude Street 253, 110 Xinyi District, Copyright 2014?福德國小 版權所有 11079臺北市信義區福德街253號 TEL:27277992 FAX:27598308
Taibeishisilidongshangaoji High School
Lane 26, Laoquan Street 3, 116 Wenshan District, Taiwan記錄關於東山高中的大小事、是台北市私立東山高中全球資訊網,歡迎大家點閱參觀
Taipei Municipal Xikou School
Jingfu Street 225, 116 Wenshan District, TaiwanXOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.
Municipal Zhongxiao Junior High School
Xining North Road 32, 10341 Datong District, Taiwan臺北市立忠孝國民中學網站.
Taipei School for the Hearing Impaired
Section 3, Chongqing North Road 320, 103 Datong District, Taiwan臺北市立啟聰學校
Shuangyuan Elementary School
Juguang Road 315號, 108 Wanhua District, Copyright ?2014 雙園國小 版權所有 10860臺北市萬華區莒光路315號 TEL:23061893 FAX:23064375
Wugong Elementary School
Section 1, Xinglong Road 68號, 116 Wenshan District, Taiwan臺北市文山區武功國民小學全球資訊網.
Min Taw Elementary School
Lane 138, Section 2, Mushan Road 61, 116 Wenshan District, TaiwanXOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.
Minquan Elementary School
Section 4, Minquan East Road 200, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan臺北市松山區民權國小
Taipei Sanyu Elementary School
Tianmu East Road 116, 111 Shilin District, TaiwanXOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.
Zhishan Elementary School
Dexing East Road 285, 111 Shilin District, Taiwan:::臺北市芝山國民小學:::學校位處芝山岩附近,因此雖臨市區,卻有難得的靚秀山色。在無垠的網路世界裡,我們也期許這個網站能是一片繁鬧網景中少數的恬靜幽境,更歡迎您於此駐足小憩......
Qidu Elementary School
Mingde 1st Road 184, 206 Qidu District, Taiwan學校名稱: 基隆市七堵國民小學 英文名稱: Keelung Municipal ChiDu Elementary School 地 址: 基隆市七堵區明德一路184號 英文地址: No.184,Mingde 1st Rd., Cidu District Keelung City 206, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 電 話: 886-2-2456-7116 傳 真: 886-2-2455-1726 網 址: 電子信箱:
Xiufeng Road 62, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan文魁補習班首頁-文魁補習班,文魁文理語文短期補習班位於汐止地區,汐止補習班文魁為汐止地區最具權威的國中升公立高中,汐止會考衝刺,汐止補習班,國小國中補習,汐止補習班選文魁是您最佳選擇!汐止補習班文魁汐止區第一品牌,從托兒所、國小至國中全方位之教育機構。師資優秀、教材完整、設備新穎、升學率高,踏實認真的教學精神,深獲學生及家長的信賴!文魁文理語文短期補習班認真負責!汐止找家教,歡迎來電洽詢02-26431090
二信小學 Er Xin Elementary School
Leli 3rd Street 19, 204 Anle District, Taiwan基隆市二信國小 Er Xin Elementary School, a private Grades 1-6 school in Keelung, Taiwan
Kang Chiao International School
Huacheng Road 800, 231 Xindian District, Taiwan康橋國際學校秀岡校區招收七至十二年級學生,分別屬中學部及國際部管轄。中學部學生是以國內高中與大學 為升學導向,國際部學生目標則為申請國外高中或大學。秀岡校區為住宿型國際學校,提供優質的住宿環境與全天候的生活照護,讓學生減少舟車勞頓,更有效利用時間從事多元的學習活動。