private school in 新竹縣
About 39 results.
Chung Hsin High School
Zhongxin Street 178, 304 Xinfeng Township, Taiwan忠信學校為一以理念而結合的民間教育團體,秉持高震東老師《忠信教育法》的精神及《教育基本法》第二條及第七條所揭櫫的原則辦學。立校目的為:傳承與弘揚中華傳統優良文化;調和社會的正義,追求淑世的理想。辦學理念為:秉持「愛自己的孩子是人,愛別人的孩子是神」、以及「保持年輕人的善良,幫助年輕人在未來成功」的信念,在民辦教育上主張「不憤何啟,不悱何發;德育為先,知行合一」。共同的理想是:使忠信學校成為一所集天地正氣、育天下英才的百世民校。
Hsinchu American School
Yishu Road 6號, 300 East District, TaiwanHsinchu American School is an innovative school focused on preparing students for the constantly changing climate of the 21st century. The school provides a uni
Yishu Road 6, 30067 East District, TaiwanHsinchu American School is an innovative school focused on preparing students for the constantly changing climate of the 21st century. The school provides a uni
Ta-Chen Senior High School
苗栗縣私立大成高級中學 | 苗栗縣私立大成高級中學
Daxue Road 79, 237 Sanxia District, Taiwan弋果兒童美語導入以美加兒童美語學制為基礎的幼稚園與小學美語課程,讓「美國弋果學校」的兒童美語教育體系與北美兒童美語同步接軌;實現在「弋果」學習美語,享有與美加兒童美語同級的學習成效。
Chung Hua University
Section 2, Wufu Road 707, 300 Xiangshan District, Taiwan中華大學為竹苗地區唯一取得美國國際商管學院AACSB及中華工程教育IEET雙認證私立大學外,更是一所就業型大學。學校每年辦理「跨域黑客」、「職場爭霸」等學校獨創之就業課程,邀請業界主管與學校老師,聯手厚植學生就業力。 中華大學係由新竹地區熱心教育之企業家,基於落實科技教育、協助地方產業升級、增加地方推廣教育的使命而興辦的,創校宗旨在於響應政府培育高級專業人才,發展科技福國裕民之號召,實現「事業有成,回饋社會」的宏願
Hsinchu County American School (新竹縣美國學校)
高鐵二路, 302 竹北市, TaiwanHsinchu County American School is an independent, college preparatory, co-education day school located a short walk from the Zhubei THSR. Providing education in Taiwan to grades K-12 we have capacity for 400 students. All classes are taught in the English language by certified professionals.