blind school in Taiwan
About 26 results.
Taichung private Hui-ming School for the Blind
Section 4, Yatan Road 336, 428 Daya District, Taiwan惠明,特殊教育,私立特殊教育,視障,視多重障礙學校
Section 4, Chenggong Road 62, 114 Neihu District, TaiwanWelcome to Green Hill, a unique senior living community in West Orange. Discover what our senior living community has to offer.
Taichung Municipal Taichung Industrial High School
Gaogong Road 191, 402 South District, Taiwan臺中市立臺中工業高級中等學校 | 臺中市立臺中工業高級中等學校
Hsinchu American School
Yishu Road 6號, 300 East District, TaiwanHsinchu American School is an innovative school focused on preparing students for the constantly changing climate of the 21st century. The school provides a uni
National Tsing Hua University
Section 2, Guangfu Road 101, 300 East District, Taiwan國立清華大學-1909年以美國退還庚子賠款,成立游美學務處選派學生留美。1911年設校稱清華學堂。幾經戰亂,1955年復校於新竹。清華大學復校初期重點為原子科學,其後則擴展至理工方面,近十幾年來更積極發展人文社會、生命科學、電機資訊與科技管理;漸漸地,清華已成為一文、理、工均衡發展的學府。秉持「自強不息,厚德載物」校訓,致力培育德、智、體、群、美五育兼優,兼具科學與人文素養的領導者和社會…
Taipei American School
Section 6, Zhongshan North Road 800, 111 Shilin District, TaiwanContact Information and Directions - Taipei American School
Koun Ron Junior High School
Dongrong Road 280, 412 Dali District, Taiwan真心、誠心、愛心、關心 (一)營塑人性化的校園文化-讓每個人都能打開心內的窗。 (二)提供多元課程、多樣活動-讓每位學生能有展翅翱翔的天空。 (三)塑造溫馨的校園環境-讓每位老師都能實現其教育理念。 (四)建立學習參與的學校氣氛-讓每位家長都有為教育打拼的機會。
Taipei School For The Visually Impaired
Lane 207, Section 2, Zhongcheng Road 1, 111 Shilin District, TaiwanTaipei Fuhsing Private School
Section 1, Dunhua South Road 262, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan臺北市私立復興實驗高級中學設有幼兒園、小學部、國中部、高中部與雙語部,是一所十三年一貫,中西文化並重的優質學校。學校的教育願景是培育全人發展、自主創新、社會關懷、全球視野的現代公民。現任校長張碧娟校長期望在復興的園地裡,每個學生都能「做上品人、學真知識、展多元才、行大我事」,作為成功的學習者;同時具有國際視野及世界知識,成為未來的領導。