chemical engineer in 宜蘭縣
About 48 results.
Kuantum Corp.
2002, 64069 Yunlin Country, TaiwanKuantum Corp. was established in 2002 as a manufacturer of chemicals, mainly in surfactant. Our technology is built upon many years of research & chemical production experiences, having focus…
Dawn Holding
11F, No.172, Longsheng Road, Gushan District, 80452 Kaohsiung, Taiwan Operating Location open Order online DeliveryDawn Holding is a Taiwan based leading parylene coating manufacturer and supplier. W e have more than 30 years of technical experience. Specialized in nano coating, plating chemicals and parylene…
Nangang 3rd Road 278, 540 Nantou City, TaiwanSolenis is a leading global supplier of water treatment and process chemicals, and supports customers with application insights and practical expertise.
NANPAO was founded in 1953, Supply leading manufacturer of hot melt adhesives in Taiwan.
Section 4, Xinyi Road 397, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan雍原有限公司 (Hydra International):大中华化工界最有资历的外贸进出口代理公司。 1. 拥有超过40年化工经验:雍原公司的产品、服务和专业知识是来自多年于欧美顶级化工集团合作所得来的成就。 2. 研发技术来自全球化工产业的两家领先国际集团:雍原公司的化工质量传递技术是来自于美国诺顿化工产品公司 (Norton) 及法国圣戈班集团 (Saint-Gobain) 的…
工業區三十四路, 407 西屯區, Taiwan大東樹脂為全國第一家鞋用接著劑製造廠,主要提供四大產品線分別為,接著劑及水性系列膠黏劑、塑化產品、乾膜,特殊化學品,研發生產產品以化學本業為軸,專於研發、生產、銷售綠色產品並朝產品多元化發展,提供顧客滿意的服務。
國家儀器股份有限公司 (National Instruments, NI)
NI 國家儀器公司做為測試、量測工具、控制解決方案的全球領導者,提供模組化硬體平台與系統設計軟體 (例如 LabVIEW),幫助工程師做得更多、加速創新、輕鬆整合新技術。
Zhongshan Road 508, 723 Xigang District, TaiwanNANPAO was founded in 1953, Supply leading manufacturer of hot melt adhesives in Taiwan.
SOREX WELDING CO., LTD. has devoted to enhancing professional welding consumables as manufacturer. Concentrating on electrode, flux core wire, solid wire, submerged wire and flux. SOREX integrate…
Carl-Bosch-Str. 38, 67056 Ludwigshafen, TaiwanOfficial Facebook page of BASF. We create chemistry for a sustainable future
Water and environmental services…
Arcadis is the leading global natural and built asset design & consultancy firm working in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and...
National Taipei University of Technology
Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 1, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan國立臺北科技大學Taipei Tech創立於民國元年,為臺灣技職教育之濫觴,校史輝煌悠久。本校定位為「實務研究型大學」,設機電、電資、工程、管理、設計及人文與社會科學六學院。素有「企業家搖籃」之美名,校友遍佈產業各界,於產業界極有影響力,深厚的學術基礎、地利之便、多元課程、豐富資源與國際能見度,使本校發展成為以科技為強項的國際知名大學。
China Medical University
Xueshi Road 91號, 404 North District, Taiwan民國47年,由一群熱愛傳統中國醫學的人士,包括覃勤、陳固及陳恭炎先生等人發起,將傳統中國醫學在台灣生根的宏願在台中市興學,秉持「仁、慎、勤、廉」的校訓,是一所教學與研究並重的優質大學,各學院之系所及附設醫院之各個研究中心除了致力於高品質的教學外,並努力提升學術研究水準。
Chung Chou University of Science and Technology
Lane 2, Section 3, Shanjiao Road 6, 510 Yuanlin City, TaiwanThis is the website of Chung Chou University of Science and Technology. This school is in Taiwan, R.O.C.
National Tsing Hua University
Section 2, Guangfu Road 101, 300 East District, Taiwan國立清華大學-1909年以美國退還庚子賠款,成立游美學務處選派學生留美。1911年設校稱清華學堂。幾經戰亂,1955年復校於新竹。清華大學復校初期重點為原子科學,其後則擴展至理工方面,近十幾年來更積極發展人文社會、生命科學、電機資訊與科技管理;漸漸地,清華已成為一文、理、工均衡發展的學府。秉持「自強不息,厚德載物」校訓,致力培育德、智、體、群、美五育兼優,兼具科學與人文素養的領導者和社會…
Chung Yuan Christian University
Zhongbei Road 200, 320 Zhongli District, Taiwan瞻望未來,中原除在既有的教育宗旨與理念之精神憲法下,建構「三創教育」-活用創意、激發創新、迎向創業之特色競爭優勢為標的;揭櫫「全人教育」、「生命關懷」及「服務學習」為發展目標;積極培育學生品格精進及國際視野;並以穩健踏實的辦學理念為國內高等教育盡一份心力,全校師生亦在各項表現中展現傑出優異的成果,屢獲產官學界給予肯定之耀眼成績。本校持續朝向以具有世界知名度並擁有諸多國內標竿特色之「有信、…
Youliu Road 9-2號, 437 Dajia District, TaiwanWe are a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals.