chemistry lab in 宜蘭縣
About 63 results.
中央研究院 原子與分子科學研究所(Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica)
Section 4, Roosevelt Road 1, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan中央研究院 原子與分子科學研究所,中央研究院,原子與分子科學研究所,中研院 原分所,中研院,原分所,Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Academia Sinica,Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences,Academia Sinica,IAMS
Da'an Street 48, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan燦達電子工業股份有限公司主要從事各式精密連接器與端子的設計與製造,於1984年在台灣成立,1998年在廣東東莞增設廠房和多條產線。connector supplier, fpc connector, connector manufacturer, lvds connector, electronic connector
Mettler-Toledo Pac Rim AG Taiwan Branch
Lane 171, Section 2, Jiuzong Road 17, 114 Neihu District, Taiwan稱重分析和精密儀器的全球領導品牌, 適用於各產業的現場和實驗室,立即造訪探索我們高品質的產品、服務和解決方案。
Ruiguang Road 68, 114 Neihu District, TaiwanOur innovative detection, imaging, informatics & service capabilities, combined with expertise, enable earlier & more accurate insights to improve the world.
Guangfu North Road 77, 303 Hukou Township, TaiwanMacDermid Performance Solutions specialty chemicals companies manufacture chemicals and materials used in processes that enhance products people use every day.
Carl-Bosch-Str. 38, 67056 Ludwigshafen, TaiwanOfficial Facebook page of BASF. We create chemistry for a sustainable future
National Taipei University of Technology
Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 1, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan國立臺北科技大學Taipei Tech創立於民國元年,為臺灣技職教育之濫觴,校史輝煌悠久。本校定位為「實務研究型大學」,設機電、電資、工程、管理、設計及人文與社會科學六學院。素有「企業家搖籃」之美名,校友遍佈產業各界,於產業界極有影響力,深厚的學術基礎、地利之便、多元課程、豐富資源與國際能見度,使本校發展成為以科技為強項的國際知名大學。
National Changhua University of Education Jin De Campus
Jinde Road 1, 500 Changhua City, Taiwan請填寫網站簡述
China Medical University
Xueshi Road 91號, 404 North District, Taiwan民國47年,由一群熱愛傳統中國醫學的人士,包括覃勤、陳固及陳恭炎先生等人發起,將傳統中國醫學在台灣生根的宏願在台中市興學,秉持「仁、慎、勤、廉」的校訓,是一所教學與研究並重的優質大學,各學院之系所及附設醫院之各個研究中心除了致力於高品質的教學外,並努力提升學術研究水準。
Chung Chou University of Science and Technology
Lane 2, Section 3, Shanjiao Road 6, 510 Yuanlin City, TaiwanThis is the website of Chung Chou University of Science and Technology. This school is in Taiwan, R.O.C.