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college in 信義區, 台北市
About 132 results.
National Taipei University of Technology
Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road 1, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan國立臺北科技大學Taipei Tech創立於民國元年,為臺灣技職教育之濫觴,校史輝煌悠久。本校定位為「實務研究型大學」,設機電、電資、工程、管理、設計及人文與社會科學六學院。素有「企業家搖籃」之美名,校友遍佈產業各界,於產業界極有影響力,深厚的學術基礎、地利之便、多元課程、豐富資源與國際能見度,使本校發展成為以科技為強項的國際知名大學。
National Taiwan College of Performing Arts Library
Section 2, Neihu Road 177, 114 Neihu District, TaiwanTaiwan Theological College and Seminary Basketball Courts
Lane 2, Section 2, Yangde Boulevard 20, 111 Shilin District, TaiwanLonghua University of Science and Technology
Section 1, Wanshou Road 300, 333 Guishan District, TaiwanKeelung Commercial & Industrial Vocational Senior High School
Dongxin Street 22, 206 Qidu District, TaiwanDongfang High School of Industry and Commerce
Lane 186, Section 4, Xinyi Road 8號, 106 Da’an District, TaiwanEducationUSA Advising Center
EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 425 international student advising centers in more than 175 countries.
Taipei Municipal Songshan High School of Agriculture and Industry
Lane 236, Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road 15號, 110 Xinyi District, TaiwanNational Taipei University
Daxue Road 151, 237 Sanxia District, Taiwan臺北大學是師生全人生涯發展的基地。學校與首都同名,承繼中興大學法商學院的優良傳統,全力支援教師的學術發展、鼓勵專業與跨領域整合研究,在法律、公共行政、商業管理、社會科學、人文與電機資訊領域皆具領導地位。臺北大學並致力國際化連結,以自由、創新與卓越為校園文化,同時提供學生完整生涯發展服務,多元學習、自由發展、培養完整就業力,畢業後皆成為企業精英、政府骨幹人才與非營利組織領導者。