college in Ziguan District, Kaohsiung City
About 32 results.
College of Engineering
College of Foreign Languages
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College of Management
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National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
Zhuoyue Road 2, 811 Nanzi District, TaiwanEntrepreneurship@First Tech-國立高雄第一科技大學簡稱第一科大,英文簡稱First Tech,高雄第一科技大學前身為國立高雄技術學院,本校於民國84年以「國立高雄技術學院」之名設立,民國87年因辦學績效優異,獲教育部同意改名為「國立高雄第一科技大學」,同時也是大高雄地區的第一所科技大學;99學年度本校設有工學院、電機資訊學院、管理學院、財務金融學院和外語學院,共…
Yuh-Ing Junior College of Health Care and Management
Lane 420, Dachanger Road 15, 807 Sanmin District, TaiwanKaohsiung American School
Cuihua Road 889號, 813 Zuoying District, TaiwanKaohsiung American School strives to be one of the finest American International Schools in Asia. KAS challenges students to achieve academic excellence and prepares them to be balanced individua…
I-Shou International School
Section 1, Xuecheng Road 6, 840 Dashu District, TaiwanI-Shou International School provides a rigorous and high-quality bilingual Education using the IB Curriculum. Based in Kaohsiung - Grade 1 to 12.
Zhongshan 3rd Road 132, 806 Qianzhen District, Taiwan提供勞工集會,教育、康樂活動設施,暨住宿服務,藉以酬謝勞工的卓越貢獻,進而達成安和樂利之社會
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Jian-Gong Branch
Jiangong Road 415, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan國立高雄應用科技大學,原為高雄工專,校本部建工校區座落於高雄市三民區,經歷改制與升格,校務蓬勃發展,為提供師生更好的學習及研究環境,擴大學術能量,乃於建工校區之外,闢建寬闊美麗的燕巢校區,以發展人文管理為宗旨,於2009年正式啟用燕巢校區。 學校目前發展定位為「親產業優質大學」
National Sun Yat-sen University
Lianhai Road 70, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan民國十三年 國父孫中山先生,為培育人才,以應積極建設現代化國家之需要,將廣東高等師範學校、廣東公立法科大學、廣東公立農業專門學校等三校合併,改組成國立廣東大學,並頒授「博學、審問、慎思、明辨、篤行」之訓詞,作為惕勵師生日新又新、自強不息之校訓。 民國十四年, 國父不幸病逝。為感懷其一生對國家之奉獻及永久紀念中山先生之豐功偉績,特於民國十五年將國立廣東大學正式改名為國立中山大學,並在廣州石…
College of Engineering
National University of Kaohsiung
Gaoxiongdaxue Road 700, 811 Nanzi District, Taiwan21世紀 高雄啟航 高大領航,一所沒有圍牆的森林大學,運動健康休閒的優質環境,提供自由的學術研究環境,培育領袖菁英的最高學府
National Feng-shan Senior Commercial and Industrial Vocational School
Wenheng Road 51號, 83052 Fengshan District, Taiwan請填寫網站簡述
Guoji High School of Commerce and Industry
Sanduo 2nd Road 84, 802 Lingya District, Taiwan國際學校財團法人高雄市國際商工高級中等學校