family hotel in Zhongshan District
About 27 results.
Ambience Hotel
Section 1, Chang'an East Road 64, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan歡迎光臨喜瑞飯店!台北喜瑞飯店是國內第一家大膽採用前衛、非主流設計概念為創作主軸,年輕、國際化個性商務旅館。獨特簡約潔白的客房及套房,整體空間呈現清透冷略的視覺氛圍。進口頂級沐浴用品,讓疲憊的旅客可以從容地放鬆身心,享受完全屬於個人的片刻寧靜。集結舒適、功能、與未來感的喜瑞飯店是至台北洽商或觀光的旅客一個高品味住宿新選擇。喜瑞飯店座落於台北市中山區長安東路,近新生高架橋、捷運忠孝新生站、…
Dandy Hotel Tianjin Branch
Tianjin Street 70號, 104 Zhongshan District, TaiwanDandy Hotel天津店展現改裝台灣老舊旅館重新站上台北市新設計旅店的另一典範,追求Life & Style自然原創及時尚品味,經過全面改造後的丹迪旅店,您依然可由五十年代的獨特陽台看到當時台北的建築設計,站在陽台上回想五十年前的光陰飛梭,曾有多少達官貴人蒞臨呢?
Tokyo International Hotel
Changchun Road 39, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan東京國際飯店台北市飯店商旅酒店Taiwan TAIPEI TOKYO INTERNATIONAL HOTEL
Yomi Hotel
Section 1, Minsheng East Road 28, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan台北HOTEL推薦中山區優美飯店。優美HOTEL位於繁華的台北六條通。鄰近台北車站、捷運雙連站、中山商圈,交通方便。台北優美飯店,是您台北HOTEL推薦住宿首選!
Taiwan Hostel HF Happy Family
Lane 56, Section 1, Zhongshan North Road 2, 10491 Zhongshan District, TaiwanTaiwan Hostel
FX Hotel Taipei
Section 3, Nanjing East Road 131, 104 Zhongshan District, Taiwan富驛時尚酒店南京東路館緊鄰捷運南京東路站,位於台北交通的心臟地帶,離台北車站與松山機場只需10分鐘車程, 位處台北小巨蛋與金融商辦區,為渡假旅客與商務人士的飯店首選。
Linsen North Road 600, 10491 Zhongshan District, TaiwanImperial Hotel Taipei is conveniently located right in the heart of a business district in Taipei.
Mandarin Oriental, Taipei
敦化北路, 10548 松山區, TaiwanExperience our 5 Star hotel in central Taipei, Songshan offering luxurious rooms and suites, fine dining, private spa, meeting and wedding facilities.
Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Taipei
DunHua North Road 100, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan四通八達的王朝大酒店,比鄰微風百貨南京館和IKEA宜家家居,距離台北101及信義商圈僅有4公里的路程,提供旅客最便捷且物超所值的休旅選擇
Taipei Marriott Hotel
Lequn 2nd Road 199, 10491 Zhongshan District, TaiwanTaipei Marriott Hotel: Taipei hotel accommodations, check rates and availability.
The Ambassador Hotel Taipei
Section 2, Zhongshan North Road 63, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan台北國賓大飯店座落於台北市金融中心,鄰近著名觀光景點和百貨公司,快捷交通動線的位置,只要步行5分鐘,即可到達台北捷運雙連站。距離台灣桃園國際機場僅40分鐘車程,而距離臺北松山機場也只需15分鐘車程。飯店內處處呈現新歐式古典居家主義的巧思,雅緻不落俗套的擺設,讓您舒適自在毫無拘束感。全館提供免費WiFi無線上網服務。
Grand Victoria Hotel Taipei
Jingye 4th Road 168, 10491 Zhongshan District, Taiwan維多麗亞酒店Grand Victoria Hotel以19世紀英國盛世維多麗亞王朝之建築風格元素,創造新貴族古典時尚旅館-維多麗亞酒店(Grand Victoria Hotel),位於內湖大湖大直捷運劍南路站旁,是台灣頗具代表性的時尚五星級飯店
amba Taipei Zhongshan 台北中山意舍酒店
Section 2, Zhongshan North Road 57-1, 104 Zhongshan District, TaiwanEnjoy contemporary accommodation, free superfast WiFi, and playful designs at amba Taipei Zhongshan hotel in the centrally located Zhongshan District, just 5 minutes’ walk to Taipei Metro Zhongsh…
Les Suites Taipei (Ching-Cheng Boutique Hotel)
Qingcheng Street 12, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan台北HOTEL推薦台北商旅慶城館,台北商旅慶城館為隱身於都會叢林的精品飯店旅館,仍舊以「全館空間專屬住客使用」的獨特經營方式,飯店沉穩的空間、柔和的光線,沒有喧囂吵嚷,有的是安逸舒適,及品味獨特。台北商旅慶城館為您選擇台北HOTEL住宿的明智之選。
Golden Garden Hotel
Section 4, Bade Road 176號, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan蒲園飯店是台北地區旅館,蒲園飯店提供飯店的線上旅遊訂房住宿服務
台北國泰萬怡酒店 (尚未開幕)
Section 3, Minsheng East Road 2號, 10491 Zhongshan District, TaiwanTraveling for business or pleasure book a great stay at Courtyard by Marriott. Work hard and unwind in our guest rooms that have it all.