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high school in 蘆洲區, 新北市
About 324 results.
Municipal Jianguo Junior High School
Jiexin Street 20, 330 Taoyuan District, Taiwan建國國中全球資訊網(
Municipal Bade Junior High School
Xingfeng Road 321, 334 Bade District, TaiwanXOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in PHP.
Taipei Municipal Daan Vocational High School
Section 2, Fuxing South Road 52, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan這是臺北市立大安高級工業職業學校的歡迎網頁!
Lane 108, Dongxin Street 23, 115 Nangang District, TaiwanXOOPS校園網站輕鬆架(
Taipei Fuhsing Private School
Section 1, Dunhua South Road 262, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan臺北市私立復興實驗高級中學設有幼兒園、小學部、國中部、高中部與雙語部,是一所十三年一貫,中西文化並重的優質學校。學校的教育願景是培育全人發展、自主創新、社會關懷、全球視野的現代公民。現任校長張碧娟校長期望在復興的園地裡,每個學生都能「做上品人、學真知識、展多元才、行大我事」,作為成功的學習者;同時具有國際視野及世界知識,成為未來的領導。
Zhiguang High School of Commerce and Industry
Zhongzheng Road 100, 234 Yonghe District, TaiwanDescription