kaohsiung in 左營區
About 497 results.
Kaohsiung City Gangshan District Household Registration Office
Lane 345, Gangshan Road 1號, 820 Gangshan District, TaiwanKaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Building
Dapi Road 127號, 833 Niaosong District, Taiwan高雄長庚復健科,高雄長庚兒童復健科,高雄長庚,復健科,兒童復健科,復健大樓,復健大樓8樓,物理治療,職能治療,語言治療,音樂治療,PT,OT,ST,MT,Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,PMR,復健科醫師,病房,運動訓練中心,長庚,BMLT
Kaohsiung Public Bike - Dragon and Tiger Pagoda
Shengli Road 110號, 813 Zuoying District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
National Police Aviation Police Bureau in Kaohsiung
Feiji Road 632, 812 Xiaogang District, Taiwan歡迎光臨內政部警政署航空警察局首頁
Kaohsiung Public Bike - China Ship Building Corporation
Zhonggang Road, 812 Xiaogang District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences Stadium
Jiangong Road 415, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan國立高雄應用科技大學,原為高雄工專,校本部建工校區座落於高雄市三民區,經歷改制與升格,校務蓬勃發展,為提供師生更好的學習及研究環境,擴大學術能量,乃於建工校區之外,闢建寬闊美麗的燕巢校區,以發展人文管理為宗旨,於2009年正式啟用燕巢校區。 學校目前發展定位為「親產業優質大學」
Chamonix new Champs Teppanyaki _ Kaohsiung Wufu shop
夏慕尼大膽顛覆傳統鐵板燒的老式印象,創新結合法式料理的細膩手法與Lounge Bar 的浪漫設計風格,將時尚浪漫融入美食中,營造出時尚精品店般的用餐氛圍。整套餐從開胃菜、主餐、甜點、飲料共10道菜色,傳達消費者「第一時間。先嚐。嚐鮮」的品牌精神,讓品嚐美食變成一種味覺享受與視覺饗宴。
National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Physics
Shenzhong Road 62號, 824 Yanchao District, TaiwanKaohsiung City Sinsing District Household Registration Office
Zhongzheng 3rd Road 34號, 800 Xinxing District, TaiwanKaohsiung City Yancheng District Household Registration Office
Daren Road 6號, 803 Yancheng District, TaiwanKaohsiung City Gushan District Household Registration Office
Gushan 2nd Road 166號, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan權威物業外商企業租賃公司Arei Real Estate-Kaohsiung apartment for rent(外商租屋高雄租屋外商仲介賃貸專門)
高雄外商企業租賃,租屋首選 高雄租屋 外商租屋 日商租屋 外商租屋高雄外商租屋日商租屋日本人租屋公司租屋外商企業租屋外商租賃高雄租屋 高雄租房子 我想租房子 權威物業管理公司 捷運租屋 591租屋 找租屋 租屋網 租屋網 租屋網 優質外商仲介 優質租屋仲介 推薦外商租屋仲介 亞洲新灣區 專租 高雄 左營聯上F1 二房 租兩房 www.arei.tw 北高雄租屋 捷運租屋 漢神巨蛋 租屋 …
墾趣 高雄夢時代 / Free Time Gear (Kaohsiung Dream Mall)
RÊVE black floating coffee shop in Kaohsiung Wenshan
Wenheng Road 489, 830 Fengshan District, Taiwan黑浮堅持選用健康天然、不添加人工香料食材,以現點現做的方式詮釋最新鮮風味,用熱情與真誠將最純粹的優質賞味體驗呈獻給您。RÊVE A GOOD ONE 黑浮咖啡乘載了我們的夢想,用熱情與真誠將最精萃的所有呈獻給您。
Chunghwa Telecom operations at Kaohsiung Ding Service Center
Dingzhong Road 398, 807 Sanmin District, Taiwan中華電信門市服務據點查詢,提供全台各地中華電信門市服務據點查詢,可透過快速的查詢或搜尋方式查詢當地中華電信門市服務據點。
Kaohsiung Public Bike - Da-Dong Art Center -01
Guangyuan Road, 830 Fengshan District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
Kaohsiung Public Bike - Feng-Hsin Senior High School
Xinfu Road 257, 830 Fengshan District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
Kaohsiung Public Bike - National Sun Yat-Sen University
Lianhai Road, 804 Gushan District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
Kaohsiung Gushan District Household Registration Office second office
Zhonghua 1st Road 45號, 804 Gushan District, TaiwanFamily Education Center. Department of Education. Kaohsiung City Government
Zhongzheng 4th Road 209號, 801 Qianjin District, TaiwanNational Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Yanchao Campus
Shenzhong Road 58號, 824 Yanchao District, Taiwan歡迎光臨 高科大 燕巢校區