kaohsiung in 高雄市
About 544 results.
Sun Asia Aeration Co., Ltd.
15F, 7, Ssu-Wei 4 Rd., Ling-Ya District,, 80247 Kaohsiung, TaiwanPioneer Group's main business is in the field of Aquaculture Equipments & Marine Fish Cage Farming System, including Aquaculture, Mechanical Engineering and Geo-Technical specialists with ove…
JSI Logistics - Kaohsiung
JSI Logistics is an international logistics and supply chain solutions provider in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. We provide warehousing, global distribution, and more.
MJ Life Kaohsiung Health Management Medical Center
Xinya Road 286-1, 806 Qianzhen District, Taiwan「更早發現、更早預防」美兆20多年來積極致力於預防醫學,足跡遍布台灣、香港、大陸、吉隆坡等地,提供全套健康管理服務,讓您「活得久、活得好、老得慢」
Kaohsiung fine Falcon paintball field (TSC paintball)
Qiaonan Road 688-1, 825 Qiaotou District, Taiwan高雄精隼漆彈場(高雄台糖漆彈場),場地登記合法,提供場地意外傷害責任險;適合戶外烤肉活動+漆彈對戰&小賽車,並有漆彈對戰方案優惠價格適合全家、團體同樂。
Thai Town Cuisine - Kaohsiung E-DA Store
Section 1, Xuecheng Road 12號, 840 Dashu District, Taiwan全國最大泰國料理第一品牌!全台灣與海外地區共58家直營分店,每年超過600萬來客人次蒞臨支持,人氣月亮蝦餅、檸檬清蒸魚、青木瓜沙律…等各式泰式美味佳餚,讓您盡情嚐鮮!
Thai Town Cuisine - Kaohsiung Hanshin Arena Store
Bo'ai 2nd Road 777號4F, 813 Zuoying District, Taiwan全國最大泰國料理第一品牌!全台灣與海外地區共58家直營分店,每年超過600萬來客人次蒞臨支持,人氣月亮蝦餅、檸檬清蒸魚、青木瓜沙律…等各式泰式美味佳餚,讓您盡情嚐鮮!
Thai Town Cuisine - Kaohsiung Far Eastern Store
Sanduo 4th Road 21, 802 Lingya District, Taiwan全國最大泰國料理第一品牌!全台灣與海外地區共58家直營分店,每年超過600萬來客人次蒞臨支持,人氣月亮蝦餅、檸檬清蒸魚、青木瓜沙律…等各式泰式美味佳餚,讓您盡情嚐鮮!
Honda Motorcycle Kaohsiung
Ziyou 4th Road 228, 813 Zuoying District, Taiwan為了持續實現「The Power of Dreams」的品牌精神,Honda Motorcycle 將成為你驅動向前的力量,以不斷飛躍的技術和性能,滿足你所有對動能與夢想的渴望,與你一同並肩飛翔。
Fullon Hotel Kaohsiung
Wufu 4th Road 45, 803 Yancheng District, Taiwan福容大飯店高雄店,我們提供您雅緻舒適的寢居空間,當季、美味的精緻料理,以及誠摯貼心的專屬服務。提供250間精緻客房,適合商務客、朋友旅行、或家族聚會,七種基本房型,可選擇遠眺高雄港寬闊的視野,或是愛河夜晚燈火燦爛的景緻,充分感受高雄的風情萬種。
Kaohsiung International Club
Daye North Road 436, 812 Xiaogang District, Taiwan高雄國際會館,,並擁有多間時尚客房、日式餐廳、宴會廳,鄰近有高雄機場、捷運站、國道出口、夢時代、新光三越。
Kaohsiung Pharmacists Association
Minghua Road 251, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan社團法人高雄市藥師公會簡介,活動剪影,社區藥局, 求職求才
Kaohsiung 85 Observatory
Ziqiang 3rd Road 1, 802 Lingya District, Taiwan高雄85觀景台,高雄85,觀景台,85觀景台,85大樓觀景台,高雄85大樓,大樓觀景台,觀景,文創觀景台,文創85觀景台,高雄文創觀景台,高雄文創85觀景台
Mektec Corporation Kaohsiung
Zhongheng Street 48, 812 Xiaogang District, TaiwanMEKTEC is the largest FPC Supplier in Taiwan. We Subsidiary of the world largest FPC supplier,Nippon Mektron Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan.Our products are in the leading position in the world's competitiv…
Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung post office mail delivery center
Yanhai 2nd Road 20, 812 Xiaogang District, Taiwan中華郵政全球資訊網
Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Girls' Senior High School
Wufu 3rd Road 122, 801 Qianjin District, Taiwan高雄市立高雄女子高級中學
Kaohsiung Public Bike - Kaohsiung International Airport(MRT)
Zhongshan 4th Road, 812 Xiaogang District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
Fubon property and casualty insurance _ North Kaohsiung Branch
Dashun 1st Road 439號, 804 Gushan District, Taiwan在台灣,富邦產險市佔率最高、服務網最密。車險多數網友推薦富邦。線上投保(手機投保)強制險優惠最高150元,任意險保費再9折。
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
Zhuoyue Road 2, 811 Nanzi District, TaiwanEntrepreneurship@First Tech-國立高雄第一科技大學簡稱第一科大,英文簡稱First Tech,高雄第一科技大學前身為國立高雄技術學院,本校於民國84年以「國立高雄技術學院」之名設立,民國87年因辦學績效優異,獲教育部同意改名為「國立高雄第一科技大學」,同時也是大高雄地區的第一所科技大學;99學年度本校設有工學院、電機資訊學院、管理學院、財務金融學院和外語學院,共…
Official website of Hoya Resort Hotel Kaohsiung , a Resort hotel . Book your hotel in Kaohsiung at the best price
No. 165號, Dinghua Road, Sanmin District, 807 Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.tw LA MAISON BERRY 貝瑞家 is a premier patisserie, bakery and dessert shop located in Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. With over seven years of experience in the industry, they specialize …
Kaohsiung Public Bike - Kaohsiung Girls' Senior High School
Wufu 3rd Road, 801 Qianjin District, TaiwanCityBike 高雄市公共自行車
Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation
Zhong'an Road 1, 806 Qianzhen District, Taiwan高雄捷運 將大幅縮短民眾通勤旅行時間,擴大都市居民的生活版圖,讓民眾感受到安全、可靠、便捷、舒適的運輸服務。捷運並非單純的交通運輸事業,它帶給民眾的不單是便捷的運輸,亦是都市型態的塑造者,及優質生活的推手。此外,高雄捷運亦結合公共藝術,利用公共藝術的 柔性角色,營造活潑而優質的捷運文化,為港都塑造新風格,同時提供市民一個親近藝文生活的場域,可望為南部地區帶來一番嶄新的面貌。