lawyer in Zhongshan District, Taipei City
About 98 results.
Section 2, Dunhua South Road 67, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan對客戶處境感同身受,並佐以無可替代之專業,努力不懈為客戶爭取權益, 讓客戶用最小成本取得最大成功,是法律服務業之本份。 是以「立與客戶同心、勤於事務不倦」不但是本所創立精神, 也是本所承辦每個案件的準則,本所在處理每位客戶所委託之案件時, 每一位同仁均秉持「立」與「勤」的態度,努力為客戶們謀求最有利的結果, 這也是本所持續精進與努力的方向。
Bank Tower
Russin & Vecchi is an international law firm with eleven independent offices spanning the globe and offers many business and commercial legal services.
瀛和律師機構兩岸事務中心|瀛睿律師事務所 除了提供傳統民、刑事訴訟,仍有提供中國大陸與台灣兩岸的服務:兩岸爭議解決、兩岸婚姻繼承、兩岸投資併購、兩岸創業投資、台灣不動產投資、資本市場規劃、智慧財產權跨境規劃、公司治理與法令遵循、私募基金與信託、研究與政府關係法制
帕米爾國際法律集團 - Pamir Law Group
DunHua North Road 214, 105 Songshan District, TaiwanPamir Law Group is an international business/corporate law firm with lawyers in Taipei, Shanghai and Beijing. We provide practical legal and business solutions in China and Taiwan.
【行政處分應具明確性,若無明確性,機關應詳酌情形,不得逕為開罰】 一、案情摘要 ( 摘自臺灣新北地方法院 106 年度交字第 630 號行政判決 ) 原告於民國105
Taiwan Association for Human Rights
台北YMCA 日本留學代辦中心 全球規模最大組織
全球最大規模組織 唯一零負評代辦機構◕ᴥ◕專辦【日本留學】♥【日本就職升學指導】♥【日本遊學自由行】♥ 日本評價最高的YMCA語言學校 全日本唯一提供『志工支援』、『在地社區交流』,不只提升日文能力,更能融入日本生活,提供就職、升學最好的協助!
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP is one of the largest IP law firms in the world. From offices in Atlanta, Boston, London, Palo Alto, Reston, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Tokyo, an…
重陽路四段130號11樓, 241 Sanchong District, Taiwan免費法律諮詢網提供全民暢通而便利之法律諮詢管道,達到真正保障民眾權利!在現今社會的高度發展下,你所相信的人是否依舊,人與人的接觸日漸頻繁,而紛爭也越來越多,動不動就一狀告你上法院!唯有切確了解自己所擁有的權利,掌握談判的籌碼!
Section 5, Xinyi Road 7, 110 Xinyi District, TaiwanLocated in Orange County, California, the attorneys of WHGC provide IP, business, employment, litigation and immigration services. Call 866-970-0186.
Jones Day
Xinyi Rd, 96號, 2樓, 106 Taipei City, TaiwanEstablished in 1990, Jones Day's Taipei Office lawyers provide corporate counseling to Taiwanese businesses in cross-border investments and mergers and acquisitions.
Italy Consulting (Taiwan)
Italy Consulting was established in Taipei by Marco Mazzeschi, an Italian lawyer who is registered as foreign lawyer in Taiwan. Its mission is to assist
美加人力資源管理顧問股份有限公司 Merica Manpower
Songshan Road 130號, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan外勞申請找美加外勞人力仲介就對了!外籍看護申請必需要有巴氏量表才能申請,外籍廠勞申請則是透過3K5級制分配外勞名額,美加外勞人力仲介,專業外勞申請,引進看護、外籍看護、外籍看護工、外勞、外籍勞工、幫傭、外籍幫傭、監護工、廠勞、外籍廠勞、營造工、外籍營造工與外傭等外籍勞工。
Section 5, Xinyi Road 8, 110 Xinyi District, TaiwanWorthy a Bootstrap-based, Responsive HTML5 Template
K&L Gates LLP
Section 2, Dunhua South Road 95, 106 Da’an District, TaiwanK&L Gates LLP is an international law firm positioned at strategic intersections in the global economy.
台灣國際專利法律事務所 / TIPLO Attorneys-at-Law, Also Taiwan International Patent & Law Office