mining engineer in Taoyuan City
About 10 results.
WECAND Enterprise 威建企業
WECAND Established in 1992, the major products of our company were originally architectural and civil engineering materials. In recent years, we have shifted our main focus to the field of tunnel…
National Tsing Hua University
Section 2, Guangfu Road 101, 300 East District, Taiwan國立清華大學-1909年以美國退還庚子賠款,成立游美學務處選派學生留美。1911年設校稱清華學堂。幾經戰亂,1955年復校於新竹。清華大學復校初期重點為原子科學,其後則擴展至理工方面,近十幾年來更積極發展人文社會、生命科學、電機資訊與科技管理;漸漸地,清華已成為一文、理、工均衡發展的學府。秉持「自強不息,厚德載物」校訓,致力培育德、智、體、群、美五育兼優,兼具科學與人文素養的領導者和社會…
Ziqiang 1st Road 1, 320 Zhongli District, TaiwanHyperion is an engineering company specializing in the design and development of hard and super-hard materials made of cemented carbide, diamond or cubic boron nitride.
Wenhua Road 1-1, 303 Hukou Township, Taiwan普利司通集團在全世界150個以上的國家展開多角化的事業,擁有約14萬名員工,是全世界最大的輪胎・橡膠公司,以「最高品質貢獻社會」為企業理念,「真正的全球化企業」及「業界全面絕對領先」為經營的最終目標。台灣普利司通自西元1982年創立以來,深耕台灣市場,自草創初期雖遭遇許多困難,但因為有合作夥伴、廠商、員工、及眾多台灣顧客的支持,我們才能持續成長茁壯達到有今天的成就與規模。
Materion Advanced Materials Technologies and Services Taiwan Co. Ltd.
Shinshing Tsuen, 33000 桃園區, TaiwanA global supplier of specialty materials including alloys, beryllium products, composite / clad metals, thin film deposition materials, precision optics
Pfeiffer Vacuum Taiwan Corporation
Unser Produktportfolio umfasst hybrid- und magnetgelagerten Turbopumpen, Vorpumpen, Mess- und Analysegeräte, Bauteile sowie Kammern und Systeme.
Howden Taiwan (BC Compressors Asia)
新北大道三段 5, 242 新莊區, TaiwanHowden - Application engineering the revolves around you. Supply and manufacture of compressors, fans, heaters, turbines and more. Global process specialists.