produce market in 梧棲區, 台中市
About 19 results.
739, Renhua Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., 412 Taichung, TaiwanKINGSHIP WEIGHING MACHINE CORP. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of scales in Taichung, Taiwan. The company specializes in manufacturing digital scales across a range of industries, with a …
VOCUIS Branding Design 格斯肯銳品牌設計公司
Jingcheng 7th Street 12, 403 West District, TaiwanVOCUIS is a full-service branding and design agency based in Taiwan and Shanghai. Brand strategy, identity, graphic, website, multimedia, exhibition, retail and commercial space design. VOCUIS di…
Carrefour Market Changping
Section 1, Changping Road 105-1號, 406 Beitun District, Taiwan天天逛逛家樂福 家家快樂又幸福官網:
家樂福便利購興安店 Carrefour Market Xing'an Store
Section 1, Xing'an Road 288, 406 Beitun District, Taiwan天天逛逛家樂福 家家快樂又幸福官網:
Carrefour Market DaLi NeiXin Store
Section 2, Zhongxing Road 309巷2號, 412 Dali District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
家樂福便利購台中南屯店Carrefour Market Taichung Nan Tun Store
Jasons Market Place
Section 3, Sanmin Road 161號, 404 North District, TaiwanJASONS Market Place官方網站,提供最新消息、活動資訊、門市查詢等服務。JASONS Market Place目標成為頂級超市領導品牌,帶動時尚購物與更精緻的消費生活
Taichung Second Market
Section 2, Sanmin Road 87, 400 Central District, Taiwan位於臺中市中區三民路與台灣大道一段處,是台中美食集中地。市場內的爌肉飯、麻芛、香菇肉羹、紅茶、麵攤,都是有數十年歷史的老小吃攤,隨意撿家坐下,端上的都是一碗碗經過數十年歲月,無數老饕鑑賞過的美食。在此,你也可以見到許多台中老饕來這一解嘴饞。在逛街品嚐美食之際,別忘了抬頭看看市場內歷史悠久的屋頂、或是...
Taichung Fifth Market
Daming Street 9號, 40345 West District, Taiwan台中市西區第五公有零售市場:台中市公有第五零售市場之發展遠溯及民國二十七年,時值日據時代,當時台中市市集發展略具雛形,市中心主要在火車站、台中公園及台中市政府周遭,,其他大部分地區仍為農田,農人為創造大頭菜等作物的經濟價值,遂以特大醃缸醃製大頭菜,並在樂群街與自立街公有宿舍及偌大空地旁做醃菜製作與儲存之場所。隨著地方民眾至此購置醃菜,開始有販夫走卒至此兜售相關民生必需品,使該地逐漸具攤販…