produce market in Wanhua District, Taipei City
About 29 results.
無毒農 - 門市自取點
Lane 3, Section 2, Jianguo North Road, 104 Zhongshan District, Taiwan「選擇友善環境的安心水果,是無毒農愛護土地的方式。」食品安全是無毒農最關心的問題,我們提供五大保障守護您的健康安全,並解決農業產銷問題,減少友善蔬菜水果配送至消費者手中之間層層剝削。無毒農的五大保障,1.地產、地銷、當季,2.PGS參與式驗證,3.成功大學第三方驗證,4.食品安全責任險,5.無條件退貨等,無毒農希望建立「志工評鑑制度」與「農友認證補助基金」,促使農業得以永續發展,並確保消…
無毒農 - 友善環境的安心水果
Alley 3, Lane 346, Section 2, Bade Road 2號, 104 Songshan District, Taiwan日據時代台北市的第一座糧倉,經重新修復再利用,在極具歷史意義的背景下,重新詮釋台灣的土地、食材與飲食美學!‧孕育,富饒-匯集台灣孕育出的富饒物產,精心挑選出安心健康的食材,是屬於在地的滋味,也是群體的共同記憶。‧農耕,分享-以食物劇場為概念,透過展演不同食材的加工過程,分享專業知識,更拉近了城市與產地間的距離。‧美食,賞味-探求食物的本味,講究食材的真、善、美,借廚師之手創作,讓食物在餐…
Alley 9, Lane 80, Dongxin Street 8號, 115 Nangang District, Taiwan提供農會介紹,全國各地農特產品線上購物(禮品、禮盒),存放款及保險,代收業務,農業推廣活動訊息,農民市集,市民農園,農業種苗、資材販售
Yeeu Chang Enterprise Co., Ltd
3F., No. 168, Lide St., Zhonghe Dist.,, 23512 New Taipei City, TaiwanYeeu Chang Enterprise's automotive lighting products are ideal for car customizations, including neon lights, LED lights, bumper lights, interior lights, strobe lights, stop lights, nozzles, etc.
Alley 6, Lane 235, Baoqiao Road 10, 231 Xindian District, TaiwanCervoz develops, produces and markets industrial storage and memory products for the professional, critical, and diverse industrial applications. Established in 2006, Cervoz specializes in embedd…
ZEBEX 巨豪實業
Section 3, Beixin Road 207, 23143 Xindian District, TaiwanCommitment to Your Auto IDeal Life 30 Years of Expert Knowledge and Customer Satisfaction ZEBEX was founded in 1987; we are a Taiwanese company dedicated to the production of Auto-ID equipment, …
Raohe Night Market
Raohe Street, 105 Songshan District, Taiwan必吃美食:蚵仔麵線、藥燉排骨、胡椒餅、東山鴨頭、臭豆腐來到八德路4段與塔悠街交叉口,看到入口處金碧輝煌的牌樓,閃閃發亮的市集,在夜間特別顯眼,再看到象徵夜市吉祥物的貓頭鷹圖騰,就知道夜市已經近在眼前。饒河街觀光夜市是臺北市最早的觀光夜市,規模並不大,攤位非常集中,只要是常來的熟客,很快就可以找到自己想吃的攤位,非常方便。饒河街觀光夜市有許多非吃不可的美食。有名的東發號招牌的蚵仔麵線,滷大…
Taipei Fish Market
Alley 2, Lane 410, Minzu East Road 20號, 104 Zhongshan District, Taiwan臺北魚市: 台北魚市⇗有身分證的魚專賣店⇖,提供產銷履歷認證及多種優質水產品,給您幸福、安心、健康的好食材。
Lane 227, Fuxing Road 29, 247 Luzhou District, TaiwanSpecializes in waste plastic recycling. Since its founding in 1988 Kang Chyau Industry has worked constantly to bring out new and innovative waste recycling machines, inflation machine, blow film…