store in Shanshang District, Tainan City
About 2023 results.
Formosa Times Jia'li Store
Guangfu Road 237, 722 Jiali District, Taiwan寶島鐘錶創立於西元一九五六年,創辦人陳國富先生秉持以「為您服務、不亦樂乎」作為公司經營宗旨,並以「優質團隊、追求卓越」為企業之願景
Qingxin Store
育德路520號, 704 Tainan, Taiwan一個致力深耕台灣的手搖茶飲領導品牌。 期許我們所奉上的每杯飲品,都能帶給您「清」澄「心」靈、「福」澤「全」備的富足感,簡單而美好。
Hayashi Department Store
Section 2, Zhongyi Road 63, 700 West Central District, Taiwan提供貨官方網站各項相關資訊。
Small three US-Japan parity Beauty - Tainan Zhongshan store
Zhongshan Road 153, 700 West Central District, Taiwan[小三美日]提供最新流行商品影片開箱、集氣下殺、新鮮有趣文章等愛美資訊,讓我們一起向玩美列車出發!按【讚】加入喔!如欲異業合作私訊唷! 客服專線:(04)777-1168
Jiu Zhen Nan Tainan Store
Dongning Road 243, 701 East District, Taiwan舊振南餅店百年來堅持手工製作中式糕餅,不添加防腐劑、嚴選食材,為送禮的首選品牌,主要商品包含手工綠豆椪、鳳梨酥、中秋禮盒、各式伴手禮等。
Unified Starbucks - Shanhua store
大同路 2, 741 善化區, Taiwan我們提供高品質的咖啡與服務,搭配獨特的空間設計理念,提供你一個品嚐咖啡的第三個好去處。
Huitong police Supply Store
台南市公園南路51號, 704 Tainan, Taiwan鑫匯通軍用品專賣店至今數十年,一直秉持著服務三軍的精神,為順應潮流,擴大營業項目:警察配件、保全配件、文具、禮品、登山用品、休閒用品到有機食品,讓消費者有一次購足的商店。
家樂福仁德店 Carrefour Jen Te Store
Zhongshan Road 711, 717 Rende District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Carrefour Market Madou ZhongShan Store
中山路82號, 721 Madou District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
Carrefour Market YongKang ErWang Store
Zhongshan South Road 696, 710 Yongkang District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
TED BAKER T.S. Mall Store
Website: Twitter:
Kuo Yuan Ye Tainan Dongning Store
Dongning Road 391號, 701 East District, Taiwan郭元益創始於1867年,為台灣糕餅業最具歷史與知名度之企業;秉持郭氏家訓「老實做餅、良心做吃」,郭元益以喜餅禮盒、彌月禮盒、伴手禮、節慶商品...等提供消費者送禮價值、美食自用、企業訂購與觀光紀念等需求。
家樂福便利購莊敬店 Carrefour Market Zhuang Jing Store
Zhuangjing Road 118, 701 East District, Taiwan家樂福全國各分店資訊,最新促銷訊息,信用卡優惠,創意生活食譜分享
復興街41巷 5號, 734 Liujia District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongshan South Road 645號, 710 Yongkang District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Xingzhong Road 35號, 721 Madou District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Section 5, Anhe Road 187號, 709 Annan District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongzheng South Road 751號, 710 Yongkang District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Zhongzheng Road 411號, 712 Xinhua District, TaiwanJ'code is the biggest gold & silver jewelry brand in Taiwan. We have more than 170 stores all over Taiwan, providing the most fashionable jewelry for you.
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Tainan Zhongshan Store
Zhongshan Road 162, 700 West Central District, Taiwan新光三越連鎖服務網全台共13店:台北信義新天地、台北站前店、台北南西店、台北天母店、桃園大有店、桃園站前店、新竹中華店、台中中港店、嘉義垂楊店、台南中山店、台南新天地、高雄三多店、高雄左營店。相關投資事業:新光天地、新光三越文教基金會、Harrods 哈羅德、法雅客 、新光影城、[i]Store、好好集goodgoods。